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    “Our job as professionals is to show up and do the work. Not simply respond to incoming or do the chores, but to create and innovate. And yet, some days feel more conducive than others. There are moments when it simply flows. When the surf’s up, cancel everything else. Don’t waste it. Postpone the dentist, outsource the grocery shopping and leave your email for now. Make hay.”

    Seth Godin

      “If it makes you a worse person (parent, neighbor, writer, whatever), it’s not success. If starting a business makes you a worse person—if it stresses you out, if it tears your relationships apart, if it makes you bitter or frustrated with people—then it doesn’t matter how much money it makes or external praise it receives. It’s not successful.”

      Ryan Holiday

        “A wise person once told me…if it’s a problem that can be solved by money, you don’t have a problem.”

        Ryan Holiday

          “I had this idea that I wanted to be a millionaire by 25. Where this number came from, I don’t know. I made it up, it was ego, and I didn’t hit it. But you know what the difference of getting there a little later was? Nothing. No one throws you a party. Accomplishments don’t change who you are.”

          Ryan Holiday

            “For the best results with children, spend half the money you think you should, and double the time.”

            Kevin Kelly

              “Whenever someone says you can’t do something—what they really mean is that they can’t do it.”

              Mark Manson

                “You can’t necessarily automate your happiness. But you can use automation to give you more time to follow your bliss—whatever that looks like for you.”

                Aytekin Tank, Automate Your Busywork (Page 168)

                  “If I lived only for the major, newsworthy milestones, I’d be miserable. Instead, I focused on small wins and created an alternative way to measure success and happiness: know what you’re good at and what you like doing, and spend as much of your workday doing exactly that.”

                  Aytekin Tank, Automate Your Busywork (Page 168)

                    “Trying to get those near you to behave more like you is the opposite of love and it reflects your lack of inner peace. If you truly love someone, you have to accept them as they are, you can certainly give them suggestions from time to time but in no way can you control them. You can also create boundaries when necessary but you can never force them to change. Control is a manifestation of your own insecurity”

                    Yung Pueblo

                      “An hour before 9 is worth 2 after 5.”

                      Ali Abdaal