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A Picture Of Happiness [Short Story]

A Picture Of Happiness [Short Story]

Excerpt: The great Turkish poet, Nazim Hikmat, once asked his friend, Abidin Dino to draw a picture of happiness. The result might surprise you…

The great Turkish poet, Nazim Hikmat, once asked his friend, Abidin Dino (a Turkish artist and well-known painter), to draw a picture of happiness.

The result was a picture of a whole family cramped up on a broken bed, under a leaky roof, and in a shabby room (with a chicken clucking around on the floor?).

…But, he also drew a warm smile on each person’s face.

Moral? Happiness is not the absence of suffering, but the acceptance of suffering.

Seek the good around you and express gratitude even in challenging situations.

Let go of the things you can’t control and stay present enough to absorb the warmth that’s right in front of you (or behind you, or next to you, or on the other side of the bed).

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Matt Hogan — Founder of MoveMe Quotes

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