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    “When we condition our minds to run away from boring, quiet, slow, difficult, thought-provoking moments, we’ve conditioned them to avoid the very moments that are required to make books, art, music, science and code.”

    Cole Schafer

      “People today foolishly try to believe that all the world’s senselessness and cruelty—the richness of the few, the great poverty of the many, the violence and warfare—happens outside their own lives and does not interfere with them and their way of life.”

      Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 262)

        “Shut out all forms of distraction. Eliminate all opportunities for rivalry.”

        Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 103)

          “Believe me that in every big thing or achievement there are always obstacles, big or small, and the reaction one shows to such obstacles is what counts, not the obstacle itself. There is no such thing as defeat until you admit so yourself, but not until then!”

          Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 102)

            “One of the most common narratives on the internet is that you have to ‘go all in’ and ‘have no backup plan’ in order to be successful. People will cite the success of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs to further drive home their point. But this is simply survivorship bias. Instead of looking at Musk, Bezos, and Jobs, ask yourself this question instead: ‘How many people have tried to do what these three did, and failed?’ If 3 out of a million make it, it’s probably not the right choice for you. Instead, think about how you can start small and don’t flush years of your productive time down the drain on one ‘big’ idea.”

            Justin Welsh

              “Be thoughtful and honest with yourself about your missteps, but don’t start dwelling on them. People beat themselves up and obsess about something that happened thirteen years ago—a business partnership that didn’t work out, a startup that failed, or a boss they didn’t like—and it becomes the jail they live in. With all the time you have left, there’s zero value in getting bogged down there. If I ever get into that mud, I’m grabbing my gratitude hose to wash it off.”

              Gary Vaynerchuk, Twelve and a Half