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“Remember the truth about the mind when it comes to change: it’s a little child.  Imagine that your brain is a child that wants pleasure and wants to get what it wants, and it really wants to get out of discomfort.  This Childish Mind will do everything it can to get out of discomfort.  It will make you run from exercise, from doing difficult tasks, from new and confusing things.  The Childish Mind will make excuses, rationalizations, beg to quit.  It’s very, very good at what it does, and it’s constantly working against our best intentions.  I learned how to overcome this Childish Mind Syndrome:  I made my running habit ridiculously easy.  I told myself all I had to do was go out and run for a few minutes.  My Childish Mind couldn’t object to that, because it was so easy! And when you make your habit change easy, I’ve learned, the Childish Mind actually doesn’t work against you in the beginning.” ~ Leo Babauta, Essential Zen Habits (Page 18)

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