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“Imagine that your life and your attention are a small room, and in this room you wanted to put a meditation cushion, a weight set for exercise, a kitchen for healthy eating, a couch for reading, a writing desk for creating a novel, a yoga mat for doing some yoga, and a tea table for mindfully drinking tea.  The tiny room would be cramped, and none of these things would have any space, and we’d not really be able to do any of them.  This is what happens when we try to do multiple habits at once: we overfill the small space of our lives and our attention so that we have no room for anything.  Instead, imagine that we only had one thing in that room—let’s say the writing desk.  That’s all that’s in the room for the moment.  This desk would have space, and the writing would get our full attention.  Create space for your habit change, by doing one habit at a time, and you’ll do your best job on that habit.” ~ Leo Babauta, Essential Zen Habits (Page 16)

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