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Tulku Thondup Quote on Karma and How We Create Our Own Karma—It Isn’t Fate

“Karma isn’t fate. Nor is it a punishment imposed on us by some external agent. We create our own karma. Karma is the result of the choices that we make every moment of every day.”

Tulku Thondup

Beyond the Quote (350/365)

Karma is real. Maybe I can’t describe it in a metaphysical sense, but I can certainly describe it from a common sensical, sense. When somebody texts me asking if I want a coffee while they’re at the café—I can promise you it makes me want to text them when I’m at the café next. When somebody brings in food for me, just because—it makes me think about getting food for them on a random, “just because,” day, too. When somebody does a favor for me, it leaves me feeling grateful and in their debt—which makes me want to return a favor. Karma, undoubtedly, returns.

Let’s get one thing straight though, keeping tally is never the point. Doing good for another just so that they can be “in your debt” and expecting them to return a favor isn’t good karma—it’s a transaction. It’s providing a deed, good, or service in exchange for a future deed, good, or service. Good karma is transaction-less. No tally is kept. No expectations are placed. No ulterior motives are hidden. It’s simply doing good for others—just because.

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Just because it makes you feel good. Just because it makes them feel good. Just because the world could use more spreading of good. Just because it takes you out of your own mind. Just because it can create beautiful moments and memories. Just because it can warm up the vibes on a cold, sterile day. Just because everyone we meet is fighting a hard battle. Just because it could make someone smile. Just because it’s Tuesday. Just because today is a day that ends in “y.” Just because it’s one of the best ways to spend a moment of your life.

And while gifts of a coffee on a cold day, an umbrella on a rainy day, food on a long day, etc., are wonderfully thoughtful, tangible gifts—let’s also not forget that the best present is presence. The gift of our time, energy, and attention is invaluable when given whole-heartedly to another person. The non-refundable, non-returnable gift of our time—and the energy and attention that comes along with it—creates the foundation for the gift that our hearts really yearn for the most: the gift of connection. With that gift we feel seen and heard, we can express ourselves and exchange emotional energy, the weight of our problems might feel a little lighter, and we feel like we aren’t alone. All just from one moment of good—as small and as fleeting as it might feel.

And while a brief, fleeting moment might feel like nothing compared to the timeline of our entire life—it is what our entire lives are made of. Moments are the beginning, the middle, and the end—they are everything. And when you can give the gift of a beautiful moment to another—a moment where, at least for that brief point in time, the world warms up; things feel a little better; a light shines through the darkness; a connection is made—the karma resonates not linearly, but exponentially into the future. It resonates in you, in them, in everyone you both touch, in everyone they all touch, and so forth. Karma happens in singular moments, but karma resonates throughout eternity.

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