Build Unshakable Confidence In Your Life’s Direction In 30 Days—Without Spending Thousands ($$$$) On Life Coaching…
Fast is the modern day default… Fast in the wrong direction can end up being one of your life’s greatest regrets.
This guide will help you build unshakable confidence in your life’s direction without the HUGE price tag.
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No long winded spiels. Get 30 succinct, 1-Page Meditations to be read daily or all at once.
No fluffy, unguided ideas. Get an action step after each Meditation.
Each Meditation comes with a custom, downloadable illustration that can be saved to your phone or desktop.
What Others Are Saying…
“Short, powerful, and insightful. Every chapter and every image beautifully crafted with a deeply impactful question to reflect upon to ensure your life is heading in the right direction. The ideas Matt shares are ones you can return to again and again, which is something I plan to do. Loved it!”
Joe Lurie, Founder of Big Life Experiment
“Matt’s book is a great starting point for people on a journey of discovery into their own true nature. It shares timeless advice in a clear way that is easy to understand for beginners, and a great reminder for more seasoned seekers of meaning. The illustrations are also wonderful. The combination will help to unlock the answers that your unconscious mind secretly already knows, but has been hiding from you. Get this book and allow your path to unfold.”
Rebecca Bardess, Author of You Deserve A Fresh Start: 5 Steps To Go From Devastation To Motivation
“In place of indulgent academic ramblings glorifying some vague, obscure study- with virtually no useful observations—I was personally overjoyed that The Art of Forward is so concentrated and concise. If you have any interest in discovering more about yourself, your values, and (just as importantly) what’s influenced them—past and present—I highly recommend giving yourself The Art of Forward. You’ll get a tome’s worth of perspective and growth in a fraction of the time (for less).”
Isaak Hyde, Author of The Outcast Intellectual Manifesto
Take A Look Inside…
With 29 additional meditations, 29 additional action steps, and 29 additional supporting images… you can imagine how much confidence you can build in your life path in just 30 days…
Meet The Creators:
- Was thrusted into the world of personal development via Martial Arts. Has been training since 2001 and teaching since 2004.
- Founded MoveMe Quotes in 2010. Has curated, indexed, and organized (by hand) 10,000+ quotes and resources.
- Started writing daily, 1-minute self-improvement pieces on January 1, 2020. You can see Matt’s latest pieces here.
- 20+ Years of creating and experimenting with different media—primarily a digital artist.
- Graduated with a BA in Psychology and uses artwork as a means of meditating, healing, and connecting with others.
- Can’t live without birds, nature, and small details. You can see Fata’s full portfolio here.
Why Understanding Your Direction In Life Is Pivotal…
“Exerting more effort doesn’t help if you’re on the wrong trajectory. Working harder on the wrong thing just wastes more time. Learning more from a biased source will lead you further from the truth. Doubling down on a toxic relationship only sets you up for more headaches. Before you try harder, make sure you are walking a path that leads where you want to go.” ~ James Clear
“Life is battle and struggle, and you will constantly find yourself facing bad situations, destructive relationsihps, dangerous engagements. How you confront these difficulties will determine your fate. If you feel lost and confused, if you lose your sense of direction, if you cannot tell the difference between friend and foe, you have only yourself to blame. Everything depends on your frame of mind and on how you look at the world. A shift of perspective can transform you from a passive and confused mercenary into a motivated and creative fighter.” ~ Robert Greene
“Our definitions of ‘success’ are maybe the most common way we torture ourselves with arbitrary standards and made-up problems. It’s one reason I advise people to be careful and hold their goals lightly—because while goals may motivate you in the short run, a poorly defined version of success can really make you suffer in the long run.”~ Mark Manson
“No action should be undertaken without aim, or other than in conformity with a principle affirming the art of life.” ~ Marcus Aurelius
“Don’t underestimate the power of vision and direction. These are irresistible forces, able to transform what might appear to be unconquerable obstacles into traversable pathways and expanding opportunities. Strengthen the individual. Start with yourself. Take care with yourself. Define who you are. Refine your personality. Choose your destination and articulate your Being.” ~ Jordan B. Peterson
“Those who are truly enlightened know what they want out of life, emotionally, materially, physically and spiritually. Clearly defined priorities and goals for every aspect of your life will serve a role similar to that played by a lighthouse, offering you guidance and refuge when the seas become rough. You see, anyone can revolutionize their lives once they revolutionize the direction in which they are moving. But if you don’t even know where you are going, how will you ever know when you get there?” ~ Robin Sharma
“We’re all on journeys, and sometimes we spend so much time on and invest so much energy in heading in one direction that the idea of any other direction is both foreign and frightening. Our journeys themselves become comfort zones, and sometimes hopping off one rainbow and onto the next is exactly what we need. Other times we may realize that the path we were on helped reveal the path we should be on, and that adventure of twists and turns will last our lifetime, and that’s okay.” ~ Humble the Poet
“I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all the mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower, and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Nothing stays still. Relative to the rest of the world, even something that’s not moving is changing. It’s tempting to talk about not making fast enough progress. But it’s far more useful to ask which direction we’re progressing. Often, people will point to the velocity of the change they’re making without pausing to consider the direction of that change. Strategy is the hard work we do before we do the rest of the hard work. Where to?” ~ Seth Godin
“Life isn’t a train ride where you choose your destination, pay your fare and settle back for a nap. It’s a cycle ride over uncertain terrain, with you in the driver’s seat, constantly correcting your balance and determining the direction of progress. It’s difficult, sometimes profoundly painful. But it’s better than napping through life.” ~ John W. Gardner
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Once your purchase is complete you will receive instant access to your guide in .pdf format. You will also gain access to a folder of (30) .jpg images that are pre-formatted to fit a phone screen and (30) .jpg images that are pre-formatted to fit a computer desktop screen.
What’s your refund policy?
I’m confident that this guide will change the direction of your life. If you don’t love it, I’ll refund you. No questions asked.
Is there an accountability option or coaching to help me work through the guide?
There is no accountability group at this time. If you’re interested in coaching, you can email me at for details.