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Yung Pueblo Quotes


    is creating space

    in your life to heal

    your body and mind

    Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 143)

      "when chaos is all around you
      the wisest choice is to create
      peace within you
      your peace shines outward
      and supports the creation
      of a new harmony
      ~ Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 120)

        “it is the things

        you say no to

        that really show

        your commitment

        to your growth.”

        Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 119)

          “when things get tough, remember that we are not building something small, we are building a palace of peace within our own hearts. it takes determination and effort to complete something of such beauty and magnitude.”

          Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 108)

            “the inward movement can be summarized as follows: we observe ourselves, we accept what we find without judgment, we let it go, and the actual release causes our transformation.”

            Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 107)

              “the more love

              in my body,

              the less harm

              my body can do.”

              Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 83)

                “healing ourselves isn’t about constantly feeling bliss; being attached to bliss is a bondage of its own. trying to force ourselves to be happy is counterproductive, because it suppresses the sometimes tough reality of the moment, pushing it back within the depths of our being, instead of allowing it to arise and release.”

                Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 81)

                  “a hero

                  is one who heals

                  their own wounds

                  and then shows others

                  how to do the same”

                  ~ Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 74)

                    where do good decisions come from?
                    a calm mind
                    how can you measure your peace?
                    by how calm you stay during a storm
                    how do you know if you are attached to something?
                    because it creates tension in your mind
                    where are the greatest revolutions fought and won?
                    in the heart
                    do you know why you are powerful?
                    because you can change the future
                    ~ Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 67)

                      “a real sign of progress is when we no longer punish ourselves for our imperfections.”

                      Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 53)

                        letting go

                        doesn’t mean forgetting;

                        it means we stop carrying

                        the energy of the past

                        into the present

                        Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 49)

                          “reminder: you can love people and simultaneously not allow them to harm you”

                          Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 39)

                            if you measure

                            the length

                            of your ego,

                            it will equal

                            the distance

                            between you

                            and your freedom

                            Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 31)

                              “what we face internally is a microcosm of what humanity faces globally—this is why growing our self-love is a medicine for our earth”

                              Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 30)

                                an apology to past lovers:
                                i wasn't ready
                                to treat you well
                                i didn't know love
                                was meant to be selfless
                                i didn't know my pain
                                had control over my actions
                                i didn't know how far away
                                i was from myself
                                and how that distance
                                always kept us miles apart
                                (blind heart)
                                ~  Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 23)

                                  “sometimes deeper mental clarity

                                  is preceded by great internal storms”

                                  Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 21)

                                    don't run away
                                    from heavy emotions
                                    honor the anger;
                                    give pain the space
                                    it needs to breathe
                                    this is how we let go
                                    ~  Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 17)

                                      when we disconnect
                                      from our pain
                                      we stop growing
                                      when we are dominated
                                      by our pain
                                      we stop growing
                                      freedom is observing our pain
                                      letting it go
                                      and moving forward
                                      (middle path)
                                      ~ Yung Pueblo, Inward (Page 11)

                                      Inward [Book]

                                        Inward by Yung Pueblo [Book]

                                        By: Yung Pueblo

                                        From this Book:  32 Quotes

                                        Book Overview:  From poet, meditator, and speaker Yung Pueblo, comes a collection of poetry and prose that explores the movement from self-love to unconditional love, the power of letting go, and the wisdom that comes when we truly try to know ourselves. It serves as a reminder to the reader that healing, transformation, and freedom are possible.

                                        Buy from Amazon! Listen on Audible!

                                        Great on Kindle. Great Experience. Great Value. The Kindle edition of this book comes highly recommended on Amazon.

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