“To be part of nature was to be part of the will to live. When you stay too long in a place, you forget just how big an expanse the world is. You get no sense of the length of those longitudes and latitudes. Just as, she supposed, it is hard to have a sense of the vastness inside any one person. But once you sense that vastness, once something reveals it, hope emerges, whether you want it to or not, and it clings to you as stubbornly as lichen clings to rock.”
Matt Haig, The Midnight Library (Page 134)
“What we do or don’t do right now, me and my generation can’t undo in the future. So when school started in August of this year, I decided that this was enough. I set myself down on the ground outside the Swedish parliament. I school striked for the climate. Some people say that I should be in school instead. Some people say that I should study to become a climate scientist so that I can ‘solve the climate crisis.’ But the climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change. And why should I be studying for a future that soon will be no more when no one is doing anything whatsoever to save that future? And what is the point of learning facts in the school system when the most important facts given by the finest science of that same school system clearly means nothing to our politicians and our society.” ~ Greta Thunberg, TED
“I think the biggest thing that we’re not taught in our world is that capability and being able to give something of value to the world is really what the human journey is all about.” ~ Claire Wineland (20), EEM LA 2018
“Yes, there are problems, I agree. There are great problems. Life is such a hell. Misery is there, poverty is there, violence is there, all kinds of madnesses are afloat, that’s true—but still, I insist the problem arises in the individual soul. The problem is there because individuals are in chaos. The total chaos is nothing but a combined phenomenon: we have all poured our chaos into it. The world is nothing but a relationship; we are related with each other. If I am neurotic and you are neurotic, then the relationship will be even more neurotic—it is multiplied, not just doubled. And everybody is neurotic; hence, the world is neurotic. The beginning has to be with you: You are the ‘world problem.’ So don’t avoid the reality of your inner world—that is the first thing.” ~ Osho, Fame, Fortune, and Ambition
“The way out of the dehumanizing effects of modern capitalism and industrialism is not to change the system but to read good books.”
Thomas Moore, Original Self | ★ Featured on this book list.