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Vegan Quotes

    “If it were not so blindly accepted as a part of our customs and traditions, how could any sensitive person accept the thought that in order to feed ourselves we should kill such a huge number of animals, in spite of the fact that our earth gives us so many different treasures from plants?”

    Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 280)

      “What nature of struggle for existence or kind of madness forces you to shed blood with your hands in order to eat animals? Why do this, if you have all the comforts of life?”

      Plutarch, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 280)

        “All other arguments against meat eating, no matter how strong they are are meaningless in relation to the fact that animals have the same life spirit that exists in us. We should feel that by taking an animal life we commit something close to suicide. No other argument against meat eating is necessary for those who have this inner feeling.”

        Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 240)

          “Do not raise your hand against your brother, and do not spill the blood of any living creatures who live on earth, neither human beings nor pets nor wild animals nor birds. In the depth of your soul some divine voice stops you from spilling this blood. There is life in it. You cannot return this life.”

          Alphonse Lamartine,  A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 184)

            “Compassion for animals is so closely connected with kindness that you can truly say that a person cannot be kind if he is cruel to animals. Compassion for animals comes from the same source as compassion toward people.”

            Arthur Schopenhauer, via A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 139)

              “All living creatures fear pain and death. Try to understand yourself in every living creature: do not torture and do not kill. Stop suffering and dearth. All living creatures want what you want; all living creatures praise their lives.”

              Dhammapada, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 82)

                “The killing and eating of animals is a prejudice accepted by those who think that animals were given to people by God to eat, so that there is nothing wrong in killing them. This is not true. It may be written in some books that it is not a sin to kill an animal, but it is written in our own hearts more clearly than in any books—that we should take pity on animals in the same way as we do on each other. And we all know this, if we do not deaden the voice of our conscience inside of us.”

                Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 64)

                  “Why are we not reducing our emissions? Why are they in fact still increasing? Are we knowingly causing a mass extinction? Are we evil? No, of course not. People keep doing what they do because the vast majority doesn’t have a clue about the actual consequences of our everyday life, and they don’t know that rapid change is required. We all think we know, and we all think everybody knows, but we don’t. Because how could we? If there really was a crisis, and if this crisis was caused by our emissions, you would at least see some signs. Not just flooded cities, tens of thousands of dead people, and whole nations leveled to piles of torn down buildings. You would see some restrictions. But no. And no one talks about it. There are no emergency meetings, no headlines, no breaking news. No one is acting as if we were in a crisis. Even most climate scientists or green politicians keep on flying around the world, eating meat and dairy.” ~ Greta Thunberg, TED

                    “Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.” ~ Dalai Lama

                      “There is no guarantee that tomorrow at this time we will be here.  But still we are working for that purely on the basis of hope.  So, we need to make the best use of our time.  I believe that the proper utilization of time is this: if you can, serve other people, other sentient beings.  If not, at least refrain from harming them.  I think that is the whole basis of my philosophy.” ~ Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness