Solar Cell Forever Rotating Globe
Why We ♥ It: This is a globe that slowly spins without batteries or wires. Its silent revolution is powered by ambient room light, and it will spin forever even from the light of a desk lamp. Internally there are two layers, the visible layer which spins inside a seamless clear shell, which sits on a clear tripod. Mova comes in 5 sizes, and 5 different forms, such as Mars, Moon, a map Earth, or a photorealistic Earth.
“It is difficult to think clearly in rooms filled with other people. It’s difficult to understand yourself if you are never by yourself. It’s difficult to have much in the way of clarity and insight if your life is a constant party and your home is a construction site. Sometimes you have to disconnect in order to better connect with yourself and with the people you serve and love.”
Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key (Page 215)
Anne Lamott Quote on Unplugging and the Reality of Burnout
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… Including you.”
Anne Lamott
Beyond the Quote (114/365)
Following through on a commitment is something that you can choose to do or choose not to do. Burning out is something that happens—it’s not something that you can choose against. When there’s no more gas in the car, you can’t choose to magically have more gas with the snap of your fingers—you need a gas station for that. When there’s no more battery juice left in your phone, you can’t choose to boost your battery life with positive thinking—you need a charging cable for that. When there’s no more energy left inside you—mental, physical, or emotional—you can’t demand more energy to appear through even the most disciplined thinking—you need rest, recover, and self-care for that.
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