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    “Someone who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something.”

    Eric Hoffer

      “Never trust someone who is willingly rude to low-paid service staff.”

      Matt Haig, The Midnight Library (Page 204)

        “The more you are in the head, the more the heart contracts. When you are not in the head, the heart opens like a lotus flower… and it is tremendously beautiful when it opens. Then you are really alive, and the heart is relaxed. But the heart can only be relaxed in trust, in love. With suspicion, with doubt, the mind enters. Doubt is the door of the mind; doubt is the bait for the mind.”

        Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 117)

          “It sucks that you were lied to, stolen from, abused, cheated, your trust taken advantage of. There’s no way you can get that back. But what you can do is make sure that the most important thing of all remains in your possession: Your love of other people. Your tolerance for them. Your willingness to help and do good for them. Don’t let that be stolen too. It’s priceless.”

          Ryan Holiday

            “Never lose trust in trust, whatever the cost, and you will never be a loser, because trust in itself is the ultimate end. It should not be a means to anything else, because it has its own intrinsic value. If you can trust, you remain open. People become closed as a defense, so that nobody can deceive them or take advantage or them. Let them take advantage of you! If you insist on continuing to trust, then a beautiful flowering happens, because then there is no fear. The fear is that people will deceive—but once you accept that, there is no fear, so there is no barrier to your opening. The fear is more dangerous than any harm anybody can do to you.”

            Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 29)

              “‘As long as you do things for the approval of a woman,’ Michaela said, ‘you will never be free. That is a descending hell. And I’ll tell you—when a woman sees that she can bend you, she loses trust in you. We need you to be solid; we need your ‘yes’ to be a yes, and your ‘no’ to be a no. As long as you are twisting and contorting and selling yourself out for the affection of others, you will always be untrustworthy.'”

              Will Smith, Will (Page 379)

                “Trust is the base layer of all human relationships. Without trust, there can be no value exchange, no community, no intimacy. If I don’t trust my wife, then her affection will feel lifeless and empty. If I don’t trust my business partner, then no amount of work will feel useful. If I don’t trust my neighbors or society, then I will see no reason to go out and engage with the world. Trust is the prerequisite to building anything good and meaningful in this world.”

                Mark Manson, Blog

                  “Without trust, words become the hollow sound of a wooden gong. With trust, words become life itself.”

                  John Harold, via Sunbeams (Page 128)