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    “World-class performance comes by striving for a target just out of reach, but with a vivid awareness of how the gap might be breached.  Over time, through constant repetition and deep concentration, the gap will disappear, only for a new target to be created, just out of reach once again.” ~ Matthew Syed

      “The practice sessions of aspiring champions have a specific and never-changing purpose: Progress.  Every second of every minute of every hour, the goal is to extend one’s mind and body, to push oneself beyond the outer limits of one’s capacities, to engage so deeply in the task that one leaves the training session, literally, a changed person.” ~ Matthew Syed

        “Mere experience, if it is not matched by deep concentration, does not translate into excellence.” ~ Matthew Syed

          “I have always believed that if you want to achieve anything special in life you have to work, work, and then work some more.” ~ David Beckham

            “Early practice is vital so that performances became totally ingrained and flow from the subconscious.” ~ Earl Woods

              “Training in weapons gives a perfect judgment, it expels melancholy, choleric and evil conceits, it keeps a man in breath, perfect health, and long life… it makes him bold, hardy and valiant.” ~ George Silver

                “Nobody – but nobody – has ever become really proficient at golf without practice, without doing a lot of thinking and then hitting a lot of shots.  It isn’t so much a lack of talent; it’s a lack of being able to repeat good shots consistently that frustrates most players.  And the only answer to that is practice.” ~ Jack Nicklaus

                  “The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” ~ Muhammad Ali

                    “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” ~ Muhammad Ali

                      “Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.” ~ Michael Jordan

                        “You can only fight the way you practice.” ~ Miyomoto Musashi

                          “It is difficult to understand the universe if you study only one planet.” ~ Miyomoto Musashi

                            “You have to keep training if you want to improve.  It’s a fair game.  If you practice, you improve.  You can’t buy it.” ~ Chow Hung-Yuen

                              “Only through training will a person learn his own weaknesses… He who is aware of his weaknesses will remain master of himself in any situation.” ~ Gichin Funakoshi

                                “The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.” ~ Max Lerner

                                  “Brain studies have shown that imagining something in vivid detail can fire the same brain cells that are actually involved in that activity.” (via Primal Leadership)

                                    “My thoughts before a big race are usually pretty simple. I tell myself: Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you’ll win… Channel your energy. Focus.” ~ Carl Lewis

                                      “If you don’t invest very much, then defeat doesn’t hurt very much and winning is not very exciting.” ~ Dick Vermeil

                                        “Nobody ever drowned in sweat.” ~ US Marine saying

                                          “What’s tough is to go out and work hard on the things that you don’t do very well.” ~ Pete Rose