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Tony Robbins Quote on Staying Committed to Decisions, But Flexible in Approach

    “Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”

    Tony Robbins

    Beyond the Quote (316/365)

    This young man was told he wouldn’t be able to attend his Martial Arts tournament because he was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. He was told he would be quarantining at home for 2 weeks instead. But, rather than miss the tournament altogether, the team who orchestrated the tournament offered him and his family a virtual option instead. The family agreed.

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    Tony Robbins Quote on Doing What You Know Because Knowing What To Do Isn’t Enough

      “It not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know.”

      Tony Robbins

      Beyond the Quote (286/365)

      While common sense is common (although some might argue), common sense is not common practice. I find it to be true more and more every day that what we are lacking in the world isn’t more solutions. Solutions are plentiful. What we’re lacking is execution of solutions. What we’re lacking is people’s ability to choose to do what’s hard over what’s convenient and expedient. What we’re lacking is the will, work ethic, and wherewithal required to bring the viable solutions that have already been thought up, to life—to our lives. Or is there more to it than just that?

      Read More »Tony Robbins Quote on Doing What You Know Because Knowing What To Do Isn’t Enough

      Tony Robbins Quote on Accomplishments and Getting Better at Managing Time

        “Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year—and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade.”

        Tony Robbins

        Beyond the Quote (241/365)

        When I first started MoveMe Quotes in 2010, I was so self-conscious about my writing and my own voice as a writer that I could only post other people’s words. I wouldn’t add, subtract, change, or elaborate on anything—I shared quotes and that’s it. I refused to share my opinion because I felt unworthy when surrounded by such giants in the writing world. I would constantly ask myself, “Who am I to comment on words from this great person or that amazing writer?” And so that’s how it went for the first five years of MoveMe Quotes. I was merely a quote collector and organizer.

        Read More »Tony Robbins Quote on Accomplishments and Getting Better at Managing Time

        Tony Robbins Quote on Focus and How Questions Are One Of The Most Powerful Tools To Utilize

          “The most powerful way to control your focus is through the use of questions.”

          Tony Robbins

          Beyond the Quote (225/365)

          Distracted? It’s because you’re asking yourself the wrong questions: Am I missing out on any new posts on the socials? I wonder what he/she is doing right now? I wonder how much it would cost to buy a new kayak? How come I always get so distracted? Why is life always so unfair to me? What am I going to eat for dinner? How can I get rich, quick? What shortcut can I take for better health? Why is my dog so cute? You get the idea.

          Read More »Tony Robbins Quote on Focus and How Questions Are One Of The Most Powerful Tools To Utilize

          Tony Robbins Quote on Seeing Frustration As A Positive Sign—Not The Opposite

            “Frustration is a very positive sign. It means that the solution to your problem is within range, but what you’re currently doing isn’t working, and you need to change your approach in order to achieve your goal.”

            Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

            Beyond the Quote (125/365)

            Frustration is the feeling you get when you try, try again; yet fail, fail again. And what do most people do when faced with ‘fail, fail again?‘ Quit. They stop trying to do whatever it was that they were failing at and move on to something else—something that they can succeed at again. Something that is most likely back inside of their comfort zone and well within their range of already proven skills, knowledge, and understanding. Why? Because succeeding feels good and failing feels bad. But, the price of giving in to frustration is steep.

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            Tony Robbins Quote on Caring For Your Mind, Emotions, and Spirit Like A Garden—The Ultimate Garden

              “Think of your mind, your emotions, and your spirit as the ultimate garden. The way to ensure a bountiful, nourishing harvest is to plant seeds like love, warmth, and appreciation, instead of seeds like disappointment, anger, and fear.”

              Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

              Beyond the Quote (78/365)

              What seeds are you planting today?  Are you planting seeds of love, warmth, and appreciation in the garden of your mind?  What about in the minds of those around you?  Seeds don’t just plant themselves.  They need you to produce them first.  Some are easier to produce and plant than others.  Some get planted and start growing without you even knowing it.  Some take a ton of careful attention and hard work to cultivate and nurture to maturity.  One thing is for sure though, the ultimate garden of the mind requires constant effort and refinement in order to flourish—and mindfulness is the tool we need to use in order to see what needs to be done.

              Read More »Tony Robbins Quote on Caring For Your Mind, Emotions, and Spirit Like A Garden—The Ultimate Garden

                Money: Master the Game [Book]

                Book Overview: In his first book in two decades, Tony Robbins turns to the topic that vexes us all: How to secure financial freedom for ourselves and for our families. “If there were a Pulitzer Prize for investment books, this one would win, hands down” ( Based on extensive research and interviews with some of the most legendary investors at work today (John Bogle, Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones, Ray Dalio, Carl Icahn, and many others), Tony Robbins has created a 7-step blueprint for securing financial freedom. With advice about taking control of your financial decisions, to setting up a savings and investing plan, to destroying myths about what it takes to save and invest, to setting up a “lifetime income plan,” the book brims with advice and practices for making the financial game not only winnable—but providing financial freedom for the rest of your life.

                Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

                1. 25 Tony Robbins Quotes on Money and Achieving Financial Freedom
                2. How To Find Your Path — 4 Questions You Should Obsess Over
                3. How Tony Robbins Got His Start—From Broke Janitor to International Sensation

                  “What do you focus on most often?  What’s your life’s obsession?  Finding love?  Making a difference?  Learning?  Earning?  Pleasing everyone?  Avoiding pain?  Changing the world?  Are you aware of what you focus on most; your primary question in life?  Whatever it is, it will shape, mold, and direct your life.” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                    “The average person asks questions such as ‘How do I get by?’ or ‘Why is this happening to me?’  Some even ask questions that disempower them, causing their minds to focus on and find roadblocks instead of solutions.  Questions like ‘How come I can never lose weight?’ or ‘Why can’t I ever hang on to my money?’ only move them farther down the path of limitation.  I have been obsessed with the question of how do I make things better?  How do I help people to significantly improve the quality of their lives now?  This focus has driven me for 38 years to find or create strategies and tools that can make an immediate difference.  What about you?  What question(s) do you ask more than any other?” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                      “To get results, you can’t just ask the question once, you have to become obsessed with finding its greatest answer(s).” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                        “So much of what makes us wealthy is free.  The secret to wealth is gratitude.  It’s not just what we achieve or accomplish.  It’s what we appreciate.  It’s not just the adventure of a cruise.  It’s what we take the time to enjoy.  You can find an adventure and joy in those you love, in the dancing eyes of your children, or the joyous faces fo those you love.  There are jackpots everywhere if you wake up to the beauty of your life today.  So don’t vow to someday get beyond scarcity; start beyond it.  Realize how lucky you are and all the wealth you possess in love, joy, opportunities, health, friends, and family.  Don’t get rich. Start rich.” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                          “I meet people everyday who tell me the job market is frozen, or they’ve been laid off and fear they’ll never find work again.  But I’m here to tell you it’s not the market, it’s you.  You can increase your earnings potential—anyone can.  You can add value to the marketplace.  You can learn new skills, you can master your own mind-set, you can grow and change and develop, and you can find the job and economic opportunity that you need and deserve.” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                            “Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and they massively underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade or two.  The fact is: you are not a manager of circumstance, you’re the architect of your life’s experience.” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                              “It doesn’t matter where you stand in relation to your friends, your family, your colleagues, or clients.  All that matters is your personal journey.  It’s tempting to look at others as a yardstick and convince yourself that you’re all the way out in front, with the appearance of a lead, or resign yourself to the back of the pack.  But that’s not the point.  The race of life is a marathon, not a sprint.  The only thing to do is focus on the path in front of you.  Look ahead.  Establish your own pace.  Keep moving forward.  And then create that plan.” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game