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    “Time magnifies the margin between success and failure.  It will multiply whatever you feed it.  Good habits make time your ally.  Bad habits make time your enemy.” ~ James Clear, Atomic Habits

      “It doesn’t matter how successful or unsuccessful you are right now.  What matters is whether your habits are putting you on the path toward success.  You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.  If you’re a millionaire but you spend more than you earn each month, then you’re on a bad trajectory.  If your spending habits don’t change, it’s not going to end well.  Conversely, if you’re broke, but you save a little bit every month, then you’re on the path toward financial freedom—even if you’re moving slower than you’d like.” ~ James Clear, Atomic Habits

      The Way of the SEAL [Book]

        By: Mark Divine

        From this Book: 32 Quotes

        Book Overview: In The Way of the SEAL, ex-Navy Commander Mark Divine reveals exercises, meditations and focusing techniques to train your mind for mental toughness, emotional resilience and uncanny intuition. Along the way you’ll reaffirm your ultimate purpose, define your most important goals, and take concrete steps to make them happen. A practical guide for businesspeople or anyone who wants to be an elite operator in life.

        Buy from Amazon! Listen on Audible!

        Great on Kindle. Great Experience. Great Value. The Kindle edition of this book comes highly recommended on Amazon.

        Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

        1. 21 Powerful Mark Divine Quotes from The Way of the SEAL
        2. Inside the Mind of a Former SEAL: Mark Divine’s 11 Statements For Optimal Living
        3. Mark Divine Quote on The Art Of Positive Thinking (Beyond the Quote 28/365)

          “Rutted routines that develop from doing the same thing the same way every time—often unconsciously, or at best without deliberate decision-making—are those that stifle creativity.  However, when we create rituals around powerful tools for performance and awareness, such as the morning and evening rituals, or when we train the fundamentals common to our missions or critical nodes, then we are grooving peak performance behavior into our subconscious.  These are good routines that will help unlock creativity and success.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

            “I believe the world is chaotic and destiny favors the prepared.  Unfortunately, sometimes chaos just refuses the harness, no matter how well you bulletproof your mission and how committed you are to finding a way.  Moving forward despite chaotic conditions—and sometimes because of them—is inherently risky, and since we don’t shy away from risk, you will inevitably experience failure, probably more often than you succeed, actually.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

              “When it’s obvious that a goal cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goal, adjust the action steps.” ~ Chinese Proverb, via The Way of the Seal

                “Success doesn’t come to you… you go to it.” ~ Marva Collins, via The Way of the Seal

                  “To win anything, we must first win control over our minds.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

                    “Bottom line: If you lack an underlying commitment to self-mastery and growth, even the best theory won’t help you lead yourself or a team to success.” ~ Mark Divine, The Way of the Seal

                      Money: Master the Game [Book]

                      Book Overview: In his first book in two decades, Tony Robbins turns to the topic that vexes us all: How to secure financial freedom for ourselves and for our families. “If there were a Pulitzer Prize for investment books, this one would win, hands down” ( Based on extensive research and interviews with some of the most legendary investors at work today (John Bogle, Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones, Ray Dalio, Carl Icahn, and many others), Tony Robbins has created a 7-step blueprint for securing financial freedom. With advice about taking control of your financial decisions, to setting up a savings and investing plan, to destroying myths about what it takes to save and invest, to setting up a “lifetime income plan,” the book brims with advice and practices for making the financial game not only winnable—but providing financial freedom for the rest of your life.

                      Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

                      1. 25 Tony Robbins Quotes on Money and Achieving Financial Freedom
                      2. How To Find Your Path — 4 Questions You Should Obsess Over
                      3. How Tony Robbins Got His Start—From Broke Janitor to International Sensation

                        “The average person asks questions such as ‘How do I get by?’ or ‘Why is this happening to me?’  Some even ask questions that disempower them, causing their minds to focus on and find roadblocks instead of solutions.  Questions like ‘How come I can never lose weight?’ or ‘Why can’t I ever hang on to my money?’ only move them farther down the path of limitation.  I have been obsessed with the question of how do I make things better?  How do I help people to significantly improve the quality of their lives now?  This focus has driven me for 38 years to find or create strategies and tools that can make an immediate difference.  What about you?  What question(s) do you ask more than any other?” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                          “To get results, you can’t just ask the question once, you have to become obsessed with finding its greatest answer(s).” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                            “Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and they massively underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade or two.  The fact is: you are not a manager of circumstance, you’re the architect of your life’s experience.” ~ Tony Robbins, Money: Master the Game

                              “What you get will never make you happy; who you become will make you very happy or very sad.” ~ Jim Rohn, via Money: Master the Game