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    “The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run ever faster if encouraged.” ~ Publius Ovidius

      “There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first time. I owe him my best.” ~ Joe DiMaggio

        “There are clubs you can’t belong to, neighborhoods you can’t live in, schools you can’t get into, but the roads are always open.” ~ Nike

          “Gold medals don’t make champions . . . hard work does.” ~ Unknown

            “In the end, it’s extra effort that separates a winner from second place. But winning takes a lot more that that, too. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline, and self-sacrifice. And finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don’t win, how can you lose?” ~ Jesse Owens

              “The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t ‘ is you. And you don’t have to listen.” ~ Nike

                “I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech.” ~ H. Jackson Browne

                  “To become a champion, fight one more round.” ~ James Corbitt

                    “Confidence is the result of hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.” ~ Roger Staubach

                      “The strength of the group is the strength of the leaders.” ~ Vince Lombardi

                        “If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?” ~ Joe Namath

                          “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

                            “Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best.” ~ Unknown

                              “You don’t have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things – to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals.” ~ Edmund Hillary

                                “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.” ~ Tim Duncan

                                  “If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win.” ~ Carl Lewis

                                    “You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all.” ~ J. Askenberg

                                      “The highest compliment that you can pay me is to say that I work hard every day, that I never dog it.” ~ Wayne Gretzky

                                        “Talent is never enough. With few exceptions the best players are the hardest workers.” ~ Magic Johnson

                                          “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” ~ Woody Allen