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Solitude Quotes

    “To be fully human we need to cultivate a relationship not only with other people but also with our deeper selves and with Spirit.  Solitude can be a powerful context and catalyst for this process.” ~ Robert Kull, Solitude

      “In many cultures, solitude is recognized as an opportunity to journey inward; in our culture, spending time alone is often considered unhealthy because we tend to believe that meaning in life is found only through relationship with other people.  But to be fully human, we need relationship not only with other people but with the nonhuman world, with our own inner depths – and with Something Greater.  For me, that nonmaterial Presence is mysterious and sacred.  It can be experienced, but not defined.  And I’ve learned that in coming into a deeper relationship with my self, I develop the capacity to connect more deeply with others.” ~ Robert Kull, Solitude

        “The capacity for solitude is a prerequisite for intimacy with another.  Otherwise, it may well be that the desperate search for a partner is merely the expression of personal emptiness, and if that is the case, any relationship will be founded on weak grounds and will not satisfy the yearning for connection.  The expression ‘soul mate’ can mean a partnership in which the soul is engaged, in which one’s own soul connects with another’s.  This is no small thing, and it reaches far deeper than the resolution of any superficial search for romance.  Part of what we long for in our wish for a soul mate is intimacy with and the expression of our own soul.”

        Thomas Moore, Original Self | ★ Featured on this book list.

          “We search for happiness all our lives, through presidents on a bill, degrees framed on walls, shiny fast cars, beautiful naked bodies, little boxes with little rings, and white picket fences. Perhaps they do make you feel happy, for a little while. Then you feel empty again. Just like a bucket with a hole on the bottom being filled with water. You can fill it with as much water as you can but when the water stop running, and the splashes are gone, and stillness comes, it’s empty again. Genuine happiness isn’t a goal and you can’t find it through anything that is tangible. It’s a state of mind that keeps you in the present moment wherein you are happy and grateful for everything in your life no matter what you have, where you are, and who you are with. To acquire this mental state you have to learn how to live in solitude and learn how to love yourself. You have to learn how to let go of all that is tangible and embrace the abundance of love and beauty the world is offering around you. You will find that happiness has been within you all along.” ~ Satori,

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