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Self Sabotage Quote

    “Your inner doom & gloom thoughts and feelings have no power over you unless you give it away. It’s possible to make mistakes and still be accepted and valued for who you are. It’s also possible to not be at your best and still make an impact. Hopefully, knowing this activates a sense of freedom that allows you to enjoy yourself more in all you do.”

    Nat Couropmitree

      “People who feel safe and meaningfully connected with others have little reason to squander their lives doing drugs or staring numbly at television; they don’t feel compelled to stuff themselves with carbohydrates or assault their fellow human beings. However, if nothing they do seems to make a difference, they feel trapped and become susceptible to the lure of pills, gang leaders, extremist religions, or violent political movements—anybody and anything that promises relief.”

      Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps The Score (Page 353) | ★ Featured on this book list.

        “The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves.”

        Elvin Semrad, The Body Keeps The Score (Page 11)

          “Like the volcano or the Phoenix, the creative process is an inferno that makes room for something new, something brilliant, something lovely. It’s messy. It’s bloody. It’s demanding. It’s rigorous. But, it’s also human. We destroy things not out of hatred but out of love—to make room to till the soil and plant the seeds of our vision. So, when you find yourself feeling self-destructive, don’t panic. Instead, reflect. What vision are you subconsciously making room for?

          Cole Schafer (January Black), One Minute, Please? (Page 62)

            “We all have to contend with the natural processes of destruction. Everything is impermanent—your body’s going to get old; your best friend is going to graduate and move to another city; that tree you used to climb in front of Stacey Brooks’s house is going to crash down in a storm. Your parents are going to die. Everything changes; it rises, and it falls. Nothing and no one is immune to the entropy of the universe. That is why self-destruction is such a terrible crime. It’s hard enough as it is.”

            Will Smith, Will (Page 158)

              “We often resist most deeply the things that we want most.”

              Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 118)

                “Being mean to yourself first will not make it hurt less if other people judge or reject you, though that is why you are using this defense mechanism. Thinking the worst of yourself is a way of trying to numb yourself to what you really fear, which is that someone else could say those things about you. What you don’t realize is that you’re acting as your own bully and enemy by doing it to yourself. What could someone else’s judgment realistically do to your life? Honestly, it could stop you from pursuing your dreams, ambitions, and personal happiness. And that’s exactly what you’re doing when you stay fixated on those damaging ideas. It’s time to get out of your own way.”

                Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 88)

                  “If we feel bad about not being as successful as another person, we might try to find something negative about them to make ourselves feel better. If we do that every time we come across a person who is more successful than we are, we begin to associate that level of success with being disliked. When it comes time for us to take action to move our lives forward, we’re going to resist doing it, because becoming more successful will create a breach in our self-concept.”

                  Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 45)

                    “Without cleanliness, we create fewer opportunities for ourselves. Nothing positive, nor beautiful, flows from chaos. Deep down, we know this. Often, when we are self-sabotaging through disorganization, it is because when we are very clean or organized, we get an uneasy feeling. That uneasy feeling is what we are trying to avoid, because it is the recognition that now that everything is in order, we must get to work on doing what we need to do or who we want to become.”

                    Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 41)

                      “When it comes to self-sabotaging behaviors, you have to understand that sometimes, it’s easy to get attached to having problems. Being successful can make you less liked. Finding love can make you more vulnerable. Making yourself less attractive can guard you. Playing small allows you to avoid scrutiny. Procrastinating puts you back in a place of comfort. All the ways in which you are self-sabotaging are actually ways that you are feeding a need you probably do not even realize you have.”

                      Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 30)

                        “Self-sabotage is not a way we hurt ourselves; it’s a way we try to protect ourselves.”

                        Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 28)

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