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    “We do not learn only from great minds; we learn from everyone, if only we observe and inquire. I received my greatest lesson in aesthetics from an old man in an Athenian taverna. Night after night he sat alone at the same table, drinking his wine with precisely the same movements. I finally asked him why he did this and he said, ‘Young man, I first look at my glass to please my eyes, then I take it in my hand to please my hand, then I bring it to my nose to please my nostrils, and I am just about to bring it to my lips when I hear a small voice in my ears, ‘How about me?’ So I tap my glass on the table before I drink from it. I thus please all five senses.'”

    C. A. Doxiadis, Sunbeams (Page 29)

    Educated: A Memoir [Book]

      Educated by Tara Westover

      By: Tara Westover

      From this Book:  16 Quotes

      Book Overview:  Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education, and no one to intervene when one of Tara’s older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she’d traveled too far, if there was still a way home.

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      Great on Kindle. Great Experience. Great Value. The Kindle edition of this book comes highly recommended on Amazon.

      Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

      Seth Godin Quote on Learning and How School Can Get In The Way Of Our Education

        “As soon as we associate reading a book with taking a test, we’ve missed the point.”

        Seth Godin, Whatcha Gonna Do With That Duck?

        Beyond the Quote (Day 384)

        Forcing yourself to learn is like trying to force the last of the ketchup out of the ketchup bottle. You can shake, squeeze, tap, and torture the bottle all you’d like, you simply won’t be able to get all of it out when in a rush. A lot of the ketchup will be stuck throughout the container and will only come out with time. This is why you flip the bottle upside down when you put it back away—so that gravity will move it down for the next time. Learning works the same way.

        Read More »Seth Godin Quote on Learning and How School Can Get In The Way Of Our Education

          “A tree growing out of the ground is as wonderful today as it ever was. It does not need to adopt new and startling methods.”

          Robert Henri, Sunbeams (Page 14)

          Naval Ravikant Quote on Education and Why The Desire To Learn Is So Scarce

            “Even today, what to study and how to study it are more important than where to study it and for how long. The best teachers are on the Internet. The best books are on the Internet. The best peers are on the Internet. The tools for learning are abundant. It’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.”

            Naval Ravikant, Medium

            Beyond the Quote (231/365)

            This is (arguably) one of the main reasons why so many people subject themselves to expensive educations—because they don’t have a strong enough desire to learn on their own. Assuming higher education isn’t a necessary prerequisite for the career they desire (doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.), as Naval points out above, all of the best information is already available. With a strong enough desire to learn, a way can almost always be found.

            Read More »Naval Ravikant Quote on Education and Why The Desire To Learn Is So Scarce

            Robert Kiyosaki Quote on The Importance Of Learning In Today’s Fast-Changing World

              “In today’s fast-changing world, it’s not so much what you know anymore that counts, because often what you know is old. It is how fast you learn. That skill is priceless.”

              Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad (Page 212)

              Beyond the Quote (57/365)

              And to that point, even more important than the speed in which you learn is whether or not you are actually still learning. The world is changing at an incredible pace and as Kiyosaki points out, more often than not, what you know from what you’ve been taught is likely outdated and old.  Thankfully, with the internet and Google, we don’t have to worry about memorizing new material or about having access the latest ideas—they are readily available to us with a couple of quick thumb taps.  But with that access and organization still comes responsibility on our part. 

              Read More »Robert Kiyosaki Quote on The Importance Of Learning In Today’s Fast-Changing World

              W. B. Yeats Quote on Looking At Education Like Lighting A Fire (Not Filling A Bucket)

                “Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.”

                W. B. Yeats

                Beyond the Quote (26/365)

                The mind does not have confines like the walls of a bucket nor does it have a maximum limit like that of a bucket—it is unbounded and is of unlimited potential.  The mind needs to be thought of like a fire. Not only is a fire wall-less, topless, and without a maximum limit, but it has an insatiable appetite that will continue consuming for as long as you continue to feed it—like that of the mind.  This is an important distinction because when we change the way we view our minds, we change the way we treat our minds (and the minds of those we’re treating).

                Read More »W. B. Yeats Quote on Looking At Education Like Lighting A Fire (Not Filling A Bucket)

                  “Reading is like a software update for your brain. Whenever you learn a new concept or idea, the “software” improves. You download new features and fix old bugs.  In this way, reading a good book can give you a new way to view your life experiences. Your past is fixed, but your interpretation of it can change depending on the software you use to analyze it.” ~ James Clear, Blog

                    “Too often, convinced of our own intelligence, we stay in a comfort zone that ensures that we never feel stupid (and are never challenged to learn or reconsider what we know).  It obscures from view various weakness in our understanding, until eventually it’s too late to change course.  This is where the silent toll is taken.” ~ Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy

                      “Today, books are cheaper than ever.  Courses are free.  Access to teachers is no longer a barrier – technology has done away with that.  There is no excuse for not getting your education, and because the information we have before us is so vast, there is no excuse for ever ending that process either.” ~ Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy

                        “It is sometimes said that when the student is ready the teacher appears.  It seems more likely that we are always in the presence of teachers, and at different stages in our development we become open to their teachings.” ~ Robert Kull, Solitude

                          “Yet we are what we read.  We are the educators of our own personalities.  Certainly we have great influence in the crafting of our children.  If we brought half the intelligence to the making of souls that we bring to the making of machines, we would be people of character and imagination.  We would be sharp and therefore less inclined to kill and cheat each other.  We would know where to find the deep pleasures, so we would be less desperate for shallow entertainments and the ephemeral gratifications of gadgets.”

                          Thomas Moore, Original Self | ★ Featured on this book list.

                            “The way out of the dehumanizing effects of modern capitalism and industrialism is not to change the system but to read good books.”

                            Thomas Moore, Original Self | ★ Featured on this book list.

                              “Let’s define dumb as being different from stupid.  Dumb means you don’t know what you’re supposed to know.  Stupid means you know it but make bad choices. […]  Dumb used to be a by-product of lack of access, bad teachers, or poor parenting.  Today, dumb is a choice, one that’s made by individuals who choose not to learn.  If you don’t know what you need to know, that’s fixable.  But first you have to want to fix it.”

                              Seth Godin, Whatcha Gonna Do With That Duck?

                                “If there’s information that can be written down, widespread digital access now means that just about anyone can look it up.  We don’t need a human being standing next to us to lecture us on how to find the square root of a number or sharpen an ax.  (Worth stopping for a second and reconsidering the revolutionary nature of that last sentence.)  What we do need is someone to persuade us that we want to learn those things, and someone to push us or encourage us or create a space where we want to learn to do them better.  If all the teacher is going to do is read her pre-written notes from a PowerPoint slide to a lecture hall of thirty or three hundred, perhaps she should stay home.  Not only is this a horrible disrespect to the student, it’s a complete waste of the heart and soul of the talented teacher.  Teaching is no longer about delivering facts that are unavailable in any other format.”

                                Seth Godin, Whatcha Gonna Do With That Duck?