“We all have a mental image of what a desirable physical body is like—trim, healthy, youthful, fresh, pleasing to look at. But we don’t use those qualities with regard to our emotions, our ’emotional body.’ The emotional body, like the physical body, must be properly nourished. It can grow tired and flabby when the same responses to the world are repeated over and over. It becomes diseased when exposed to toxins and unhealthy influences.”
Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 49)
“It sounds strange, but feelings have feelings. Being part of you, they know when they are unwanted. Fear cooperates by hiding; anger cooperates by pretending it doesn’t exist. That’s more than half the problem. How can you heal an unwanted feeling when it’s trying not to cooperate? You can’t. Until you make peace with negative feelings, they will persist. The way to deal with negativity is to acknowledge it. Nothing more is needed.”
Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 42)
33 Quotes on Healing and How There’s No Such Thing As “Healed”
Excerpt: Just as pain is an ongoing, inevitable part of life—so, too, should healing be. Read our 33 quotes on healing and adopt an ongoing practice.
Read More »33 Quotes on Healing and How There’s No Such Thing As “Healed”
“Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary.”
Doreen Virtue | Read Matt’s Blog on this quote ➜
“We’re all complicated people. We have multiple sides to ourselves—conflicting wants, desires, and fears. The outside world is no less confusing and contradictory. If we’re not careful, all these forces—pushing and pulling—will eventually tear us apart. If we do not focus on our internal integration—on self-awareness—we risk external disintegration.”
Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 73)
Taking Care of Yourself IS Productive
“How can you think of yourself as a caring person if you don’t take care of yourself? If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll stop thinking of yourself as someone who has a lot to give. Instead you’ll feel deprived. And you’ll hate your life. How can you give others joy if you can’t give yourself joy?”
Mira Kirshenbaum, The Gift of a Year (Page 9)
Beyond the Quote (Day 392)
Isn’t it strange to think how so many of us act like self-care isn’t a productive use of time? Like sleeping for 8 hours in a night is somehow costly? Or skipping a workout to do more office work is somehow admirable? Or spending time to take a break and recover is somehow wasteful? When in reality, it’s often the opposite that is the case.
Read More »Taking Care of Yourself IS ProductiveStephen King Quote on the Relationship Between Reading and Writing
“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”
Stephen King
Beyond the Quote (343/365)
What happens when you read? Your eyes scan, decode, and lift symbols off pages and implants the information contained into your brain. It’s essentially the same process that a computer follows when it downloads new software/ updates. And as it’s true with computers, the information that’s downloaded/ implanted into our minds may either contain updates/improvements or infections/malware. This is why, just as you have to be very careful with what you download onto your computer, you have to be just as careful (if not more) about what you download into your brain.
Read More »Stephen King Quote on the Relationship Between Reading and Writing“Meditation should be an inner shelter, an inner shrine. Whenever you feel that the world is too much for you, you can move into your shrine. You can have a bath in your inner being. You can rejuvenate yourself. You can come out resurrected; again alive, fresh, young, renewed… to live, to be. But you should also be capable of loving people and facing problems, because a silence that is impotent and cannot face problems is not much of a silence, is not worth much.”
Osho, Courage (Page 160)
“All that is beautiful and all that is good and all that is divine can be felt only by the inner sense. Stop being influenced by people’s opinions. Rather, start looking in… allow your inner sense to say things to you. Trust it. If you trust it, it will grow. If you trust it, you will feed it, it will become stronger.”
Osho, Courage (Page 106)