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Self Care Quotes

    “Most of us would be seized with fear if our bodies went numb, and would do everything possible to avoid it, yet we take no interest at all in the numbing of our souls.”

    Epictetus, via Stillness is the Key (Page 83)

    Don Miguel Ruiz Quote on Creating the Perfect Relationships—Starting With The One You Have With Yourself

      “When you make it your goal to create the perfect relationship between you and your body, you are learning to have a perfect relationship with anyone you are with, including your mother, your friends, your lover, your children, your dog.  When you have the perfect relationship between you and your body, in that moment your half of any relationship outside you is completely fulfilled.  You no longer depend upon the success of a relationship from the outside.”

      Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love

      Beyond the Quote (66/365)

      The most you can ever contribute to the success of a relationship is 50%.  The fact that it’s a relationship implies that there are two and 100% of one out of two is 50%.  This isn’t to say that the most effort you can ever put forth is 50%.  You can undoubtedly give your 100%, but it’s only ever going to add up to 50% as a part of the whole relationship.  This is one of the key mindsets to understand in order to maintain a healthy relationship.  Let’s take a look at an example.

      Read More »Don Miguel Ruiz Quote on Creating the Perfect Relationships—Starting With The One You Have With Yourself

      Iain Thomas Quote on Trying To Use Self-Love In Response To Pain—Not More Pain

        “Why do we hurt ourselves more, when other people hurt us?  Why do we beat ourselves up, for feeling beat up?  Maybe the lesser pain you cause yourself distracts you from the bigger pain inside.  And it’s easy to get stuck in a kind of loop of pain.  You’re hurt, so you hurt yourself some more.  But the correct response to pain, is self-love.  When we’re hurt, we need to take better care of ourselves.  Not worse.  It can be hard to be conscious in the moment and remember to be kind to ourselves when someone hurts us.  But you need to try.”

        Iain Thomas, Every Word You Cannot Say (Page 116)

        Beyond the Quote (23/365)

        What does beating ourselves up look like?  It can manifest in destructive self-talk: “Why am I such an idiot?!” “I don’t deserve to be happy.” “Why do I even bother trying?  It’s not like anything is going to change.”  It can manifest in negative talk and conversation which might include tearing down the people around you, purposefully excluding yourself from social situations because you don’t feel worthy, or even inserting yourself into the role of being a victim, a loser, a trouble-maker, or a target.  It might also manifest in physical harm.  This is where you might see people punching walls (or other assorted objects), purposefully not taking care of themselves, or even abusing drugs, alcohol, or other substances.  Why do any of this at all?  Maybe because the pain it causes distracts us from a bigger pain inside.

        Read More »Iain Thomas Quote on Trying To Use Self-Love In Response To Pain—Not More Pain

          “Don’t reorganize the state until you have ordered your own experience.  Have some humility.  If you cannot bring peace to your household, how dare you try to rule a city?” ~ Jordan Peterson, via 12 Rules for Life (Page 158)

            “To treat yourself as if you were someone you are responsible for helping is what would be truly good for you.  This is not ‘what you want.’  It is also not ‘what would make you happy.’  Every time you give a child something sweet, you make that child happy.  That does not mean that you should do nothing for children except feed them candy.  ‘Happy’ is by no means synonymous with ‘good.’  You must get children to brush their teeth.  They must put on their snowsuits when they go outside in the cold, even though they might object strenuously.  You must help a child become a virtuous, responsible, awake being, capable of full reciprocity—able to take care of himself and others, and to thrive while doing so.  Why would you think it acceptable to do anything less for yourself?” ~ Jordan Peterson, via 12 Rules for Life (Page 62)

              “Every person is deeply flawed.  Everyone falls short of the glory of God.  If that stark fact meant, however, that we had no responsibility to care, for ourselves as much as others, everyone would be brutally punished all the time.  That would not be good.  That would make the shortcomings of the world, which can make everyone who thinks honestly question the very propriety of the world, worse in every way.  That simply cannot be the proper path forward.” ~ Jordan Peterson, via 12 Rules for Life (Page 62)

                “We deserve some respect.  You deserve some respect.  You are important to other people, as much as to yourself.  You have some vital role to play in the unfolding destiny of the world.  You are, therefore, morally obliged to take care of yourself.  You should take care of, help and be good to yourself the same way you would take care of, help and be good to someone you loved and valued.  You may therefore have to conduct yourself habitually in a manner that allows you some respect for your own Being—and fair enough.” ~ Jordan Peterson, via 12 Rules for Life (Page 62)

                  “Until we have met the monsters in ourselves, we keep trying to slay them in the outer world.  And we find that we cannot.  For all darkness in the world stems from darkness in the heart.  And it is there that we must do our work.” ~ Marianne Williamson

                    “Do not fall prey to the false belief that by forgiving someone you’re letting them off the hook.  Because when you forgive someone you let yourself off the hook.” ~ Jen Sincero, You Are a Badass