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Rush Quotes

    “Part of the problem, Mitch, is that everyone is in such a hurry. People haven’t found meaning in their lives, so they’re running all the time looking for it. They think the next car, the next house, the next job. Then they find those things are empty, too, and they keep running.”

    Morrie Schwartz, via Tuesdays With Morrie (Page 136)

    Chögyam Trungpa Quote on Managing Desire and Being Able To Afford To Relax

      “When there is no desire to satisfy yourself, there is no aggression or speed… Because there is no rush to achieve, you can afford to relax. Because you can afford to relax, you can afford to keep company with yourself, you can afford to make love with yourself, to be friends with yourself.”

      Chögyam Trungpa, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, via Sunbeams (Page 3)

      Beyond the Quote (Day 372)

      If you feel like you can’t afford to relax, you should reevaluate what it is exactly that you’re trying to afford. Hustle culture has us working from the minute we get up until the minute we go to bed—and leaves many of us feeling like we STILL didn’t do enough. We stress about the things we didn’t finish, the things we have yet to start, and how we’re going to close the gap between where we are and where we want to be—so that we can finally… relax.

      Read More »Chögyam Trungpa Quote on Managing Desire and Being Able To Afford To Relax

        “Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.” ~ Søren Kierkegaard, via How To Live A Good Life

          “We live our lives as if they were one big emergency! We often rush around looking busy, trying to solve problems, but in reality, we are often compounding them.” ~ Richard Carlson, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

          Are you in a hurry? …Why?

            “I’m in a hurry to get things done
            Oh I rush and rush until life’s no fun
            All I’ve really gotta do is live and die
            But I’m in a hurry and don’t know why…”

            ~ Roger Murrah and Randy VanWarme

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