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    “If you run a marathon, you’re going to get tired. It would make no sense to hire a coach and say, ‘I want you to help me train so I don’t get tired when I run a marathon.’ The only difference between the tens of thousands of people who finish the marathon and those that don’t is that the finishers figured out where to put their tired.”

    Seth Godin, The Practice (Page 169)

    David Goggins Quote on Callousing Your Mind and How I Ran A Marathon Without Running Training

      David Goggins Quote on Callousing Your Mind and How I Ran A Marathon Without Running Training

      “It takes twenty years to gain twenty years of experience, and the only way to move beyond your 40 percent is to callous your mind, day after day.  Which means you’ll have to chase pain like it’s your damn job!”

      David Goggins, Can’t Hurt Me

      Beyond the Quote (235/365)

      On Sunday, August 23rd, 2020, I ran my second marathon. I didn’t follow any specific running plans and did but only one training run (13.1 miles) leading up to it the week before. The most I had done besides that was a mile or two around my block at any given time in the whole year prior. Why do I tell you this? Because while I didn’t do any official running training for that run, I have been training my body for war for over two decades. And if you start doing the same, your body might be able to perform in ways that surpass your wildest expectations as well.

      Read More »David Goggins Quote on Callousing Your Mind and How I Ran A Marathon Without Running Training

      John C. Maxwell Quote on Greatness and How One Is Too Small A Number To Achieve It

        John C. Maxwell Quote on Greatness and How One Is Too Small A Number To Achieve It

        “One is too small a number to achieve greatness. No accomplishment of real value has ever been achieved by a human being working alone.”

        John C. Maxwell, Leadership Gold

        Beyond the Quote (234/365)

        Big accomplishments don’t just happen. They’re an accumulated result of many small happenings. This is true for most anything in life. Big accomplishments in health are a product of the accumulated effect of the daily meals and workouts. Big accomplishments in business are a product of the accumulated effect of the smaller component systems that are put into place. Big accomplishments in relationships are a product of the accumulated effect of the smaller conversations, actions, and efforts that went into them. If you want to accomplish something big, the focus should be on accumulating more and more of the small.

        Read More »John C. Maxwell Quote on Greatness and How One Is Too Small A Number To Achieve It

        Julie Moss’s Inspirational Near-Win in the 1982 Ironman [Excerpt]

          Julie Moss's Inspirational Near-Win in the 1982 Ironman [Excerpt]

          Excerpt: The following is an excerpt from The Rise by Sarah Lewis. It is an inspirational story of Julie Moss’s near win in the 1982 Ironman when she lost complete control of her body and how, out of sheer will and determination, she was able to cross the finish line crawling on her knees.  It’s a story that will motivate you to push a little harder the next time you go to workout—of that, I’m sure.

          Read More »Julie Moss’s Inspirational Near-Win in the 1982 Ironman [Excerpt]

            In it for the long run!

            In it for the long run!

              “The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy… It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed.” ~ Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon Champ

                “An hour of basketball feels like 15 minutes.  An hour on a treadmill feels like a weekend in traffic school.”  ~ David Walters