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Waking Up: A Guide To Spirituality Without Religion [Book]

    Book Overview: From multiple New York Times best-selling author, neuroscientist, and “new atheist” Sam Harris, Waking Up is for the 30 percent of Americans who follow no religion, but who suspect that Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rumi, and the other saints and sages of history could not have all been epileptics, schizophrenics, or frauds. Throughout the book, Harris argues that there are important truths to be found in the experiences of such contemplatives – and, therefore, that there is more to understanding reality than science and secular culture generally allow. Waking Up is part seeker’s memoir and part exploration of the scientific underpinnings of spirituality. No other book marries contemplative wisdom and modern science in this way, and no author other than Sam Harris – a scientist, philosopher, and famous skeptic – could write it.

      “A friend comes and holds your hand. Don’t miss this opportunity—because God has come in the form of the hand, in the form of the friend. A small child passes by and laughs. Don’t miss this, laugh with the child—because God has laughed through the child. You pass through the street and a fragrance comes from the fields. Stand there a moment, feel grateful—because God has come as a fragrance. If one can celebrate moment to moment, life becomes religious—and there is no other religion, there is no need to go to any temple. Then wherever you are is the temple, and whatever you are doing is religion.”

      Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 220)

        “Do not believe that in religion you cannot trust your intellect. The force of our intellect must support the foundations of every real faith.”

        William Ellery Channing, via A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 313)

          “A real truth, a real faith, needs neither worldly support nor an outer glamour, nor does it need to be forcefully introduced to others. God has time; for Him thousands of years pass as one. Those who feel the need to spread their faith through violence and force either lack faith in God, or in themselves.”

          Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 258)

            “I have no religion whatsoever. I believe that life is a process and that man is a self-made product. The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits.”

            Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 76)

              “To be perfectly frank, I really do not believe in God. If there is a God, he is within. You don’t ask God to give you things, you depend on God for inner theme.”

              Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 76)

                “If you are a Muslim, go and live as a Christian; if you are a Christian live as a Jew; if you are Catholic, live as an Orthodox—whatever religion you have, hold the same respect for people of different religions. If your speech together does not arouse or excite you to indignation and if you can freely communicate with them, you have achieved peace. It is said that the object of every religion is the same: all people look for love, and all the world is a place of love. Then why should we speak about the difference between the Muslim church and the Christian church?”

                Islamic Wisdom, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 186)

                  “Christ expressed all His teachings in His last commandment: ‘Love each other, as I loved you. Everyone will see that you are my disciples, if you love each other.’ He did not say, ‘If you believe,’ but ‘If you love.’ Faith can change with time, because our knowledge is constantly changing. Love, on the contrary, never changes; love is eternal.”

                  Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 20)

                    “At the heart of all religions lies a single unifying truth. Let Persians bear their taovids, Jews wear their caps, Christians bear their cross, Muslims bear their sickle moon, but we have to remember that these are all only outer signs. The general essence of all religions is love to your neighbor, and that this is requested by Manuf, Zoroaster, Buddha, Moses, Socrates, Jesus, Saint Paul, and Mohammed alike.”

                    Ewald Flügel, via A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 14)

                      “…You are no longer Buddhist or a Hindu or a Christian or a Jew or a Moslem. You are love, you are truth. And love and truth have no form. They flow into forms. But the word is never the same as that which the word connotes. The word ‘God’ is not God, the word ‘Mother’ is not Mother, the word ‘Self’ is not Self, the word ‘moment’ is not the moment. All of these words are empty. We’re playing at the level of intellect, feeding that thing in us that keeps wanting to understand. And here we are, all the words we’ve said are gone. Where did they go? Do you remember them all? Empty, empty. If you heard them, you are at this moment empty. You’re ready for the next word. And the word will go through you. You don’t have to know anything: that’s what’s so funny about it. You get so simple. You’re empty. You know nothing. You simply are wisdom—not becoming anything, just being everything.”

                      Ram Dass, Sunbeams (Page 25)

                        “If love appears, who is going to go to the temple? For what? It is because love is missing that you are searching for God. God is nothing but a substitute for your missing love. Because you are not blissful, because you are not peaceful, because you are not ecstatic, you are searching for God—otherwise, who bothers? Who cares? If your life is a dance, God has been attained already. The loving heart is full of God. There is no need for any search, there is no need for any prayer, there is no need to go to any temple, to any priest.”

                        Osho, Courage (Page 90)

                          “The young child is free of fear; children are born without any fear. If the society can help and support them to remain without fear, can help them to climb the trees and the mountains and swim the oceans and the rivers—if the society can help them in every possible way to become adventurers, adventurers of the unknown, and if the society can create a great inquiry instead of giving them dead beliefs—then the children will turn into great lovers, lovers of life. And that is true religion. There is no higher religion than love.”

                          Osho, Courage (Page 77)

                            “Morality is worthwhile because it helps ensure social order, but it is capable of wreaking inner havoc. Since nobody can live by the morals prescribed by most religions, most of humanity lives in a state of perpetual guilt, shame, and fear. This is a tragically crippled existence. Humanity will also bring social order, but it requires no external enforcement whatsoever.”

                            Sadhguru, Inner Engineering (Page 186)

                              “I don’t call it finding God, because how can you find that which was never lost, the very life that you are? The word God is limiting not only because of thousands of years of misperception and misuse, but also because it implies an entity other than you. God is being itself, not a being. There can be no subject-object relationship here, no duality, no you and God.”

                              Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 224)

                              Sadhguru Quote on Not Fixing Everything Else, But On Fixing Yourself To Better Deal With Everything Else.

                                “Do not try to fix whatever comes into your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.”


                                Beyond the Quote (133/365)

                                The following story was submitted by Angel via the Share Your Story page on our website. In it, she discusses how she managed to break away and move forward from limiting beliefs that were imposed on her throughout her life that were a source of much stress and anxiety. Now, as you’ll read about below, she lives a more accepting and grateful life. And it all started from a simple recommendation that came from some of her best friends. Here’s Angel to explain:

                                Read More »Sadhguru Quote on Not Fixing Everything Else, But On Fixing Yourself To Better Deal With Everything Else.

                                  “Epicurus was right—if God exists, why would they possibly want you to be afraid of them? And why would they care what clothes you wear or how many times you pay obeisance to them per day? What interest would they have in monuments or in fearful pleas for forgiveness? At the purest level, the only thing that matters to any father or mother—or any creator—is that their children find peace, find meaning, find purpose. They certainly did not put us on this planet so we could judge, control, or kill each other.”

                                  Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key (Page 140)