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Quotes from The Shadow Effect

    “When we expose our dark side, we understand how our personal history dictates the way we treat those around us—and how we treat ourselves. This is why it’s imperative that we unmask it and understand it. To do this, we must uncover what we’ve hidden and befriend the very impulses and characteristics that we abhor.”

    Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 93)

      “It’s ironic that to find the courage to lead an authentic life, you will have to go into the dark rooms of your most inauthentic self. You have to confront the very parts of yourself that you fear most to find what you have been looking for, because the mechanism that drives you to conceal your darkness is the same mechanism that has you hide your light. What you’ve been hiding from can actually give you what you’ve been trying hard to achieve.”

      Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 92)

        “Poet and author Robert Bly describes the shadow as an invisible bag that each of us carries around on our back. As we’re growing up, we put in the bag every aspect of ourselves that is not acceptable to our families and friends. Bly believes we spend the first few decades of our life filling up our bag, and then the rest of our life trying to retrieve everything we’ve hidden away.”

        Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 86)

          “Big, blown-out fantasies about our lives stem from the pain of our unrealized potential, but true dreams are a reality we are willing to work for, fight for, stay up late for—this is a future that is within our reach.”

          Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 85)

            “Sometimes, we forget that we ever wanted anything different from what we have. The repetitiveness of our toxic memory can lure us into years of accepting more of the same and wasting away in a mediocre existence that fails to meet even our own expectations.”

            Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 84)

              “The level of the problem is never the level of the solution.”

              Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 64)

                “We all have a mental image of what a desirable physical body is like—trim, healthy, youthful, fresh, pleasing to look at. But we don’t use those qualities with regard to our emotions, our ’emotional body.’ The emotional body, like the physical body, must be properly nourished. It can grow tired and flabby when the same responses to the world are repeated over and over. It becomes diseased when exposed to toxins and unhealthy influences.”

                Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 49)

                  “You get the emotions you think you deserve.”

                  Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 46)

                    “It sounds strange, but feelings have feelings. Being part of you, they know when they are unwanted. Fear cooperates by hiding; anger cooperates by pretending it doesn’t exist. That’s more than half the problem. How can you heal an unwanted feeling when it’s trying not to cooperate? You can’t. Until you make peace with negative feelings, they will persist. The way to deal with negativity is to acknowledge it. Nothing more is needed.”

                    Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 42)

                      “You are not in the world. The world is in you.”

                      Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 40)

                        “Inside you is the cause of every war. It is your violence, hidden and denied, that leads to wars of every kind, whether it is war inside your home, against others in society, or between nations.”

                        J. Krishnamurti, via The Shadow Effect (Page 40)

                          “The first step in defeating the shadow is to abandon all notions of defeating it. The dark side of human nature thrives on war, struggle, and conflict. As soon as you talk about ‘winning,’ you have lost already.”

                          Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 14)

                            “Higher consciousness is the answer—the only lasting answer—to the dark side of human nature.”

                            Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 13)

                              “I believe that the shadow is one of the greatest gifts available to us. Carl Jung called it a ‘sparring partner’; it is the opponent within us that exposes our flaws and sharpens our skills. It is the teacher, the trainer, and the guide that supports us in uncovering our true magnificence. The shadow is not a problem to be solved or an enemy to be conquered but a fertile field to be cultivated. When we dig our hands into its rich soil, we will discover the potent seeds of the people we most desire to be.”

                              Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 5)

                                “Although ignoring or repressing our dark side is the norm, the sobering truth is that running from the shadow only intensifies its power. Denying it only leads to more pain, suffering, regret, and resignation. If we fail to take responsibility and extract the wisdom that has been hidden beneath the surface of our conscious minds, the shadow will take charge.”

                                Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 2)

                                  “Why do we have access to so much wisdom yet fail to have the strength and courage to act upon our good intentions by making powerful choices? Why do we continue to act out in ways that go against our value system and all that we stand for? […] It is because of our unexamined life, our darker self, our shadow self where our unclaimed power lies hidden. It is here, in this least likely place, that we will find the key to unlock our strength, our happiness, and our ability to live out our dreams.”

                                  Debbie Ford, The Shadow Effect (Page 1)

                                  The Shadow Effect: Illuminating The Hidden Power Of Your True Self [Book]

                                    Book Overview:  New York Times bestselling authors and internationally acclaimed leaders in the field of new thought, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, and Marianne Williamson have joined together to share thier knowledge on one of the most crucial obstacles to happiness we face—the shadow. These three luminaries, each with a signature approach, bring to light the parts of ourselves we deny but that still direct our life. The result is a practical and profound journey to wholeness.

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                                    Great on Kindle. Great Experience. Great Value. The Kindle edition of this book comes highly recommended on Amazon.

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