“It is difficult to feel accomplished when you’re not accomplishing something that matters to you. Doing something ‘for your own good’ is rarely for your own good if it causes you to be less than who you really are.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element
“Up to a point you welcome being interrupted because it is only by interacting with other people that you get anything interesting done.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element
“The more alive we feel, the more we can contribute to the lives of others.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element
“You can think of creativity as applied imagination.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element
“Through imagination, we can visit the past, contemplate the present, and anticipate the future. We can also do something else of profound and unique significance. We can create.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element
“We don’t know who we can be until we know what we can do.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element
“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” ~ Ken Robinson, The Element