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    “Getting distracted by trifles is the easiest thing in the world… Focus on your main duty” ~ Epictetus, The Art of Living

      “When you actively engage in gradually refining yourself, you retreat from your lazy ways of covering yourself or making excuses.  Instead of feeling a persistent current of low-level shame, you move forward by using the creative possibilities of this moment, your current situation.” ~ Epictetus, The Art of Living

        “Unremarkable lives are marked by the fear of not looking capable when trying something new.”

        Epictetus, Art of Living

          “When we blather about trivial things, we ourselves become trivial, for our attention gets taken up with trivialities. You become what you give your attention to.” ~ Epictetus, The Art of Living

            “Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.” ~ Epictetus, The Art of Living

              “Nothing truly stops you.  Nothing truly holds you back.  For your own will is always within your control.  Sickness may challenge your body. But are you merely your body? Lameness may impede your legs. But your are not merely your legs. Your will is bigger than your legs. Your will needn’t be affected by an incident unless you let it.” ~ Epictetus, The Art of Living

                “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”

                Epictetus, The Art of Living