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Quotes from The Art of Living and Dying

    “If you have not lived rightly, you will not be able to die rightly.  Death is the final offering.  It is the highest; it is the crowning or the peak.  Death is the essence and the flowering of life.  How can your death be right if you have spent your life wrongly?  How can your death be full of meaning if your life has been a waste?  How can a tree whose roots are rotten bear sweet fruit?  It is impossible.” ~ Osho, The Art of Living and Dying

      “The believer is not a seeker.  The believer does not want to seek, that’s why he believes.  The believer wants to avoid seeking, that’s why he believes.  The believer wants to be delivered, saved, he needs a savor.  He is always in search of a messiah – somebody who can eat for him, chew for him, digest for him.  But if I eat, your hunger is not going to be satisfied.  Nobody can save you except yourself.” ~ Osho, The Art of Living and Dying

        “A man is really a mature man when he has come to this conclusion: ‘If death is happening to everybody else, then I cannot be an exception.’ Once this conclusion sinks deep into your heart, your life can never be the same again.  You cannot remain attached to life in the old way.  If it is going to be taken away, what is the point of being so possessive?  If it is going to disappear one day, why cling and suffer? If life is not going to remain forever, then why be in such misery, anguish, worry?” ~ Osho, The Art of Living and Dying

          “Life is spread out over a long time – seventy years, one hundred years.  Death is intense because it is not spread out – it is in a single moment.  Life has to pass one hundred years or seventy years, it cannot be so intense.  Death comes in a single moment; it comes whole, not fragmentary.  It will be so intense you cannot know anything more intense.  But if you are afraid, if before death comes you have escaped, if you have become unconscious because of the fear, you have missed one of the golden opportunities, the golden gate.  If your whole life you have been accepting things, when death comes, patiently, passively you will accept and enter into it without any effort to escape.  If you can enter death passively, silently, without any effort, death disappears.” ~ Osho, The Art of Living and Dying