“Just be as happy as you can. Don’t think about others. If you are happy, your happiness will help others. You cannot help, but your happiness can.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 324)
Quotes from Everyday Osho
“You will have to take 100 percent responsibility. And whenever you accept 100 percent responsibility, you become free, and then there is no bondage in this world. In fact, anger is a kind of bondage. I cannot be angry, because I am not in bondage. I have not been angry with anybody for years, because I don’t make anybody else responsible. I am free, so why should I be angry? If I want to be sad, it is my freedom. If I want to be happy, it is my freedom. Freedom cannot be afraid, freedom cannot be angry. Once you know that you are your world, you have penetrated into a different kind of understanding. Then nothing else matters—all else is games and excuses.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 318)
“The real bravery, the real fight, is not outside. The real fight is inside, it is an inner conquest. Although Alexander may have been a great warrior, as far as his own instincts were concerned, he was a slave. Napoleon may have been a great soldier, but as far as his own anger, lust, and possessiveness were concerned, he was just as ordinary as anybody else. The really brave ones are Jesus, Buddha, Patanjali—these types of people. They have overcome themselves. Now no desire can pull them here and there, now no unconscious instinct can have any power over them. They are masters of their own lives.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 317)
“We are made alone. That aloneness is our freedom. And it is not against love. In fact, only a person who is alone and knows how to be alone will be able to love. This is the paradox of love: That only the person who is alone can love, and only the person who loves becomes alone. They come together. So if you are not capable of being alone, you will not be capable of being in love either. Then all your so-called love will be just an escape from yourself. It will not be real love, it will not be real relating. Who will relate with whom? You have not even related with yourself; how can you relate with the other? You are not there—who is going to relate with others? So a false kind of love exists in the world: You are trying to escape from yourself, the other is trying to escape from herself or himself, and you are both seeking shelter in each other. It is a mutual deception.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 312)
“Life can only be lived dangerously—there is no other way to live it. It is only through danger that life attains maturity, growth. One needs to be an adventurer, always ready to risk the known for the unknown. That’s what being a seeker is all about. But once one has tasted the joys of freedom and fearlessness, one never repents because then one knows what it means to live at the optimum. Then one knows what it means to burn your life’s torch from both ends together. And even a single moment of that intensity is more gratifying than a whole eternity of mediocre living.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 310)
“If you protect yourself your whole life and nobody is allowed near you, what is the point of your being alive? You will be dead before you are dead. You will not have lived at all. It would be as if you had never existed, because there is no other life than relationship. So the risk has to be taken.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 302)
“Buddhism is one of the most beautiful approaches—but it is incomplete. Something is missing. It has no mysticism in it, no poetry, no romance; it is almost bare mathematics, a geometry of the soul but not a poetry of the soul. And unless you can dance, never be satisfied. Be silent, but use your silence as an approach toward blissfulness. Do a few dancing meditations, singing meditations, music, so at the same time, your capacity to enjoy, your capacity to be joyful also increases.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 303)
“Love is the earth where one needs to be rooted. Just as trees are rooted in the earth, human beings are rooted in love. Our roots are invisible, so anything visible is not going to help. Money is very visible, a house is very visible, social status is very visible. But we are trees with invisible roots. You will have to find some invisible earth—call it love, call it godliness, call it prayer—but it is going to be something like that, something invisible, intangible, elusive, mysterious. You cannot catch hold of it. On the contrary, you will have to allow it to catch hold of you.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 299)
“History is concerned with the past. It is concerned with the dead. It is concerned with that which is no more. The whole concern should be with that which is right now, this very moment. Don’t only forget history, but forget your biography also, and each morning start your day as if it were completely new, as if you have never existed before. That’s what meditation is all about: to start each moment anew, fresh like dew, not knowing anything of the past. When you don’t know anything of the past and you don’t carry anything of it, you don’t project any future. You have nothing to project. When the past disappears, the future also disappears. They are joined together. Then pure present is lift. that is pure eternity.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 298)
“To enjoy anything one needs a very relaxed attitude. To enjoy life one needs eternity. How can you enjoy when death is going to come so soon? One tries to enjoy as much as one can, but in that very effort all peace is lost, and without peace there is no enjoyment. Delight is possible only when you are savoring things very slowly. When you have enough time to waste, only then only is delight possible. The Eastern concept of reincarnation is beautiful. Whether or not it is true is not the point. It gives you a very relaxed attitude toward life. That is the real thing. I am not worried about metaphysics. It may be true, it may not be true; that’s not the point at all. To me it is irrelevant. But it gives you a beautiful background.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 297)
“If you decide on your own to quit smoking, and you say nothing to anybody, there are ninety-nine chances out of a hundred that you will smoke. Someone else decides taht he will not smoke, and he tells his friends. There is a ninety percent chance that he will still smoke. The third possibility is that he joins a society of nonsmokers where nobody smokes. Now there is a ninety-nine percent chance that he will not smoke.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 292)
“Life carries as much meaning as you carry the capacity to be surprised, the capacity to wonder. So always remain open. Remind yourself again and again that life is infinite. It is always an ongoing process; it never comes to an end. It is an eternal journey, and each moment is new, each moment is original. When I say each moment is original, I mean each moment throws you back to your origin, each moment makes you a child again.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 288)
“One has to learn to be patiently relaxed, and then the miracle of miracles happens: One day when you are really relaxed, something suddenly changes. A curtain disappears, and you see things as they are. If your eyes are too full of desires, expectation, longing, they cannot see the truth. The eyes are covered with the dust of desire. All search is futile. Search is a byproduct of the mind. To be in a state of nonsearch is the great moment of transformation. All the meditations are just preparations for that moment. They are not real meditations but just preparations so that one day you can simply sit, doing nothing, desiring nothing.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 283)
“One need not have a crowd around oneself. A few deep, intimate relationships are enough; they are really fulfilling. In fact, because people don’t have intimate relationships, they have many relationships to substitute. But there is not substitution for real intimacy. You can have one thousand friends—that will not make for one real one. But that’s what people are doing: They think that quantity can become a substitute for quality. It never does. It cannot.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 282)
“Meditation has nothing to do with time or place. Rather, it has something to do with you, your inner space. So whenever you are free of the day-to-day routine, relax and allow it to happen. It can happen any place, any time, because it is nontemporal and nonspatial.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 281)
“It almost always happens that lovers become childlike—because love accepts you. It makes no demands on you. Love does not say, ‘Be this, be that.’ Love simply says, ‘Be yourself. You are good as you are. You are beautiful as you are.’ Love accepts you. Suddenly you start dropping your ideals, ‘shoulds,’ personalities. You drop your old skin, and again you become a child. Love makes people young.'”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 279)
“The constant awareness that one should not start clinging to anything makes life blissful. One enjoys tremendously whatever is available. It is always more than one can enjoy, and it is always available. But the mind is too attached to things—we become blind to the celebration that is always available.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 261)
“Every day is different, and if sometimes you cannot see the difference between one day and another, that simply means that you are not seeing rightly. Nothing is ever repeated. Repetition does not exist. Existence is always fresh, utterly fresh. But if we look through the past, accumulated thoughts, the mind, then it can appear like repetition. And that’s why the mind is the only source of boredom. It makes you bored, because it never allows the freshness of life to be revealed to you. It goes on seeing things in the same pattern.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 261)
“Success and failure are not the point—to enjoy whatever you are doing is the point. Each success is followed by failure, each day is followed by a night, and each love is followed by a darkness. Life is a progression, a movement; nothing is static. Now you are young; one day you will be old. Now you have so many friends, one day you will not have any. Now you have money, one day you will not. If you are playful, nothing is wrong. Just one quality has to be developed—playfulness.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 260)
“Science can never win against art, and logic can never win against love. History can never win against myth, and reality is poor compared to dreams, very poor. So if you carry any idea against imagination, drop it. Because we all carry it—this age is very anti-imagination. People have been taught to be factual, realistic, empirical, and all sorts of nonsense. People should be more dreamy, more childlike, more ecstatic. People should be able to create euphoria. And only through that do you reach your original source.”
Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 249)