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James Clear Quote on Hard Work and How Not All Hard Work Is Created Equally

    “Success is never due to one thing, but failure can be.  Sleeping well won’t make you successful, but not sleeping enough will hold you back. Hard work is rarely enough without good strategy, but even the best strategy is useless without hard work.  Many things are necessary, but not sufficient for success.”

    James Clear, Blog

    Beyond the Quote (347/365)

    Not all hard work is created equally. For some, specific kinds of “hard work” aligns with strengths, aptitudes, potentials, and interests. For others, that same “hard work” might call upon weaknesses. Even if the “hard work” that was tasked was the same, it wouldn’t have the same net result on the individual. It would cause a drastic difference in the amount of time, energy, and effort required. And if you want to optimize your time, energy, and effort in your life—then you should start by optimizing the type of “hard work” that you choose to do for this very reason.

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      “What separates great players from all-time great players is their ability to self-assess, diagnose weaknesses, and turn those flaws into strengths.”

      Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 197)

        “I built my game to have no holes. It doesn’t matter how well you knew my game. It doesn’t matter if we played against each other for years, or were even teammates for a stretch. None of that helped you guard me. Yes, you might have known I preferred to go one way. That didn’t ultimately matter, because I could just as easily go the other way. Yeah, you might have also thought you knew my cadence and rhythm, except—I didn’t have one. I made a point to adjust the pace of my attack to throw defenders off. In essence, the more you thought you knew about my game, the harder it would actually be to guard me.”

        Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 197)

        Jocko Willink Quote on How Your Greatest Strength Can Also Be Your Greatest Weakness

          “As with many of the dichotomies of leadership, a person’s biggest strength can be his greatest weakness when he doesn’t know how to balance it.  A leader’s best quality might be her aggressiveness, but if she goes too far she becomes reckless.  A leader’s best quality might be his confidence, but when he becomes overconfident he doesn’t listen to others.”

          Jocko Willink, Extreme Ownership (Page 281)

          Beyond the Quote (165/365)

          One of my greatest strengths, I believe, is my ability to empathetically connect to and listen to others. When somebody talks to me about how upset they are that their dog died, I feel the upset. When people call me to express their frustrations towards other people, I feel their frustrations. When the people around me get angry, I can feel their anger in me. Basically, I feel like I have an uncanny ability to put myself in other people’s shoes and feel what they’re feeling even if I’ve never been in their exact situation myself. This is something that I have noticed after many years of introspection and while it can certainly be a strength, it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks and challenges that can turn it into a weakness if left unchecked.

          Read More »Jocko Willink Quote on How Your Greatest Strength Can Also Be Your Greatest Weakness

            “Identify the things that are holding you back.  Are you scared of speaking or do you have trouble in your relationships?  Do you lack a positive attitude or do you need more energy?  Make a written inventory of your weaknesses.  Satisfied people are far more thoughtful than others.  Take the time to reflect on what it is that might be keeping you from the life you really want to know deep down you can have.  Once you have identified what your weaknesses are, the next step is to face them head on and attack your fears.  If you fear public speaking, sign up to give twenty speeches.  If you fear starting a new business or getting out of a dissatisfying relationship, muster every ounce of your inner resolve and do it.  This might be the first taste of real freedom that you have experienced in years.  Fear is nothing more than a mental monster you have created, a negative stream of consciousness.” ~ Robin S. Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

              “What’s tough is to go out and work hard on the things that you don’t do very well.” ~ Pete Rose

                “We must train from the inside out. Using our strengths to attack and nullify any weaknesses. It’s not about denying a weakness may exist but about denying its right to persist.” ~ Vince McConnell