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Make Your Bed [Book]

    Book Overview: If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. On May 17, 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin on their Commencement day. Taking inspiration from the university’s slogan, “What starts here changes the world,” he shared the ten principles he learned during Navy Seal training that helped him overcome challenges not only in his training and long Naval career, but also throughout his life; and he explained how anyone can use these basic lessons to change themselves—and the world—for the better.

    Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

    12 William McRaven Quotes from Make Your Bed That’ll Change Your World

      “The thing about money, sex, and success is that when you don’t have them, you can justify your misery—shit, if I had money, sex, and success, I’d feel great! However misguided that may be, it psychologically permeates as hope. But once you are rich, famous, successful—and you’re still insecure and unhappy—the terrifying thought begins to lurk: Maybe the problem is me.”

      Will Smith, Will (Page 151)

        “You can graduate with the finest degrees. You can read the most useful books. You can enjoy the loving support of family and friends. But your degrees can’t take action for you. Your books can’t make the decision for you. Your family can’t live your life for you. There is no substitute for courage. At some point, you have to make the choice.”

        James Clear, Blog

          “Either don’t blame anyone…or blame yourself. For whatever happens. For everything that happens. Those are the options.”

          Ryan Holiday, Daily Stoic Blog

            “Nothing will save you, and so you must begin the work of saving yourself, which is the entire purpose of your life.”

            Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 167)

              “The true self of each person is the mind. Know therefore that you are a god. For a god is someone who moves, who feels, who remembers, who looks to the future, who rules over and guides and directs the body he is master of, just as that Supreme God directs the universe. And just as this eternal God controls the universe, which is partly mortal, so too your eternal spirit directs your fragile body.”

              Cicero, via The Daily Laws (Page 403)

                “Life is battle and struggle, and you will constantly find yourself facing bad situations, destructive relationships, dangerous engagements. How you confront these difficulties will determine your fate. If you feel lost and confused, if you lose your sense of direction, if you cannot tell the difference between friend and foe, you have only yourself to blame. Everything depends on your frame of mind and on how you look at the world. A shift of perspective can transform you from a passive and confused mercenary into a motivated and creative fighter.”

                Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 380)

                  “The problem lies in asking somebody else to solve your own problem instead of asking yourself. I can give you ten thousand of my ways, but they are my way, not yours. An individual’s questions are answerable only by the individual himself, and nothing would be gained by his sitting in on a recital of mine.”

                  Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 179)