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    “To start defining your problems, say (out loud) ‘everything in my life is completely fine.’ Notice what objections arise.”

    Ideopunk, LessWrong

      “When life gets scary and difficult, we tend to look for solutions in places where it is easy or at least familiar to do so, and not in the dark, uncomfortable places where real solutions might lie.”

      Robert Maurer, One Small Step Can Change Your Life

        “Remove the branches of a thorn bush today and you’ll avoid a scrape this year. But next year, you’ll face the same problem again. Remove the root of the bush today, and the entire plant will die. Are you solving problems at the branch level or the root level?”

        James Clear, Blog

          “If you can’t solve the problem in front of you, solve an easier version of it—and then see if that solution offers you a starting point, or a beacon, in the full-blown problem. Maybe it does.” 

          Brian Christian, Algorithms To Live By

            “Not every problem needs to be overcome, just the ones stopping you from getting where you want to be.”

            Ann Hill, Twitter

              “Every great opportunity has many reasons why it could fail. You have to trust your ability to solve problems along the way. People who look for reasons why things won’t work, struggle to take action. People who look for reasons why things will work—and solve problems as they arise—make things happen.”

              James Clear, Blog

                “It’s easy to imagine that over there, just a few steps ahead, our problems will disappear. Pessimists, of course, are sure that instead of disappearing, tomorrow will make things worse. The truth is pretty simple: All we do, all we ever do, is trade one set of problems for another. Problems are a feature. They’re the opportunity to see how we can productively move forward. Not to a world with no problems at all, but to a situation with different problems, ones that are worth dancing with.”

                Seth Godin, Blog

                  “Today, make sure you take a walk. And in the future, when you get stressed or overwhelmed, take a walk. When you have a tough problem to solve or a decision to make, take a walk. When you want to be creative, take a walk. When you need to get some air, take a walk. When you have a phone call to make, take a walk. When you need some exercise, take a long walk. When you have a meeting or a friend over, take a walk together. Nourish yourself and your mind and solve your problems along the way.”

                  Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 189)

                    “Stoics do not seek to have the answer for every question or a plan for every contingency. Yet they’re also not worried. Why? Because they have confidence that they’ll be able to adapt and change with the circumstances. Instead of looking for instruction, they cultivate skills like creativity, independence, self-confidence, ingenuity, and the ability to problem solve. In this way, they are resilient instead of rigid. We can practice the same.”

                    Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 178)

                      “One has not understood until one has forgotten it.”

                      Suzuki Daisetz, via Sunbeams (Page 109)

                        “The level of the problem is never the level of the solution.”

                        Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect (Page 64)

                          “The time we spend worrying is actually time we’re spending trying to control something that is out of our control. Time invested in something that is within our control is called work. That’s where our most productive focus lies.”

                          Seth Godin, The Practice (Page 99)

                            “Some things are better off ignored than attacked. Attention is the oxygen of conflict. When you fight a problem, you breathe life into it. When you starve a problem of your attention, you suffocate it. In a surprising number of cases, the way to solve a problem is to ignore it.”

                            James Clear, Blog (Read Matt’s Blog On This Quote)

                            Claire Wineland Quote on Challenges and How To Keep Moving Forward When You Feel Stuck

                              “I’m not stuck in this belief that challenges are given to us to hold us back.  I am lifted up by the belief that challenges are here to help us move forwards—and that is the difference.  That is the only difference between people who are living a passionate, proud life and people who feel sad—or people who get older and feel like they don’t know what they’re doing anymore.”

                              Claire Wineland (15), TEDxMalibu

                              Beyond the Quote (342/365)

                              When you feel stuck in your life it’s because you’ve reached a limit; you’ve hit a wall; you’ve arrived at a boundary; you’ve reached an edge in your understanding. And you can’t pass until you figure out a way to scale the wall; cross the boundary; and/or explore what’s beyond those limits. Figure out being the key phrase in that sentence. Being stuck is a problem to be solved—not a permanent state of being. It involves critical thinking, research and reflection, trial and error, conversation, and more. And while this all may sound obvious, it certainly isn’t common practice.

                              Read More »Claire Wineland Quote on Challenges and How To Keep Moving Forward When You Feel Stuck

                              Mark Manson Quote on Problems and How A Problem-Free Life Should Never Be The Goal

                                “Problems never stop; they merely get exchanged and/or upgraded.”

                                Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

                                Beyond the Quote (274/365)

                                Let’s be clear: the goal shouldn’t be to live a problem-free life. There is no such thing as a problem free life. How could it be? The very act of staying alive and healthy is a forever shape-shifting landscape of compiling problems that confront us afresh every minute of every day. So, what is the goal then?

                                Read More »Mark Manson Quote on Problems and How A Problem-Free Life Should Never Be The Goal

                                Eckhart Tolle Quote on Finding The Life Underneath Your Problems

                                  “Narrow your life down to this moment.  Your life situation may be full of problems—most life situations are—but find out if you have any problem at this moment.  Not tomorrow or in ten minutes, but now.  Do you have a problem now?  When you are full of problems, there is no room for anything new to enter, no room for a solution.  So whenever you can, make some room, create some space, so that you find the life underneath your life situation.”

                                  Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 63)

                                  Beyond the Quote (53/365)

                                  Empty your cup.  Before you can make room for new tea in your cup, you need to empty what tea you already have.  If you keep pouring, your cup will keep overflowing and you will never be able to drink your tea because your cup will still have tea being poured into it!  That, plus, the space around you will quickly start turning into a terrible mess which will result more in panic than it will tea drinking.  You need to stop pouring the tea, place the kettle down, and focus on drinking what you have.  You need to create some space.  And the same is true for your life situation.

                                  Read More »Eckhart Tolle Quote on Finding The Life Underneath Your Problems