Quotes about Priorities
15 Aytekin Tank Quotes from Automate Your Busywork To Help You Reclaim Your Time
Excerpt: So much of our time is lost each day to silly, tedious, annoying busywork. Our quotes from Automate Your Busywork will show you a better way.
Read More »15 Aytekin Tank Quotes from Automate Your Busywork To Help You Reclaim Your Time
Automate Your Busywork [Book]
Book Overview: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff. In this book, entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Jotform—Aytekin Tank delivers a can’t-miss blueprint to help you make the most of your most precious asset: time. You’ll explore what’s possible when you offload repetitive tasks, why automation has democratized innovation, and how you can use cheap―or even completely free―no-code automation tools to transform your ability to focus on what truly matters in your business and life.
Post(s) Inspired by this Book:
15 Aytekin Tank Quotes from Automate Your Busywork To Help You Reclaim Your Time
“Climate change, human rights issues, political polarization, loneliness, and isolation. These are just a few of the challenges we need to solve together—and it will take smart, creative, empathetic people to find workable solutions. The less time you spend on mundane tasks like email, the more time you have to unleash your imagination.”
Aytekin Tank, Automate Your Busywork (Page 158)
“There’s a poetic beauty in imagining that all the whispered conversations, cups of coffee, and daily minutiae add up to create a rich and textured story. Then there’s the reality of modern life: emails, chat notifications, system backups, and taxes. Our digital world has empowered us to accomplish so much, yet, many of us are proportionately beholden to electronic tools and tedious processes. My goal [is] to loosen their grip, to help you find more space and freedom.”
Aytekin Tank, Automate Your Busywork (Page 137)
“No one will eliminate busywork for you. It’s your responsibility to create space in your work(day), and automation can make it happen.”
Aytekin Tank, Automate Your Busywork (Page 29)
“Before I could even begin to eliminate my busywork, I had to set boundaries—which was hard. I turned off notifications when I left work and kept them off at home. I had to learn how to consciously switch my mind away from work. But over time it got easier. I didn’t cringe every time I said ‘no’ or ‘tomorrow, not today.’ These might not sound like big steps, but when you’re in reaction mode, doing anything with intention can feel revolutionary. I also realized that boundaries prioritize your attention. Instead of responding to an email the moment it hit my inbox, I chose to continue the critical work I was currently engaged in.”
Aytekin Tank, Automate Your Busywork (Page 16)
“Time assets vs. Time debts. Time assets are choices that save you time in the future. Think: saying no to a meeting, automating a task, working on something that persists and compounds. Time debts are choices that must be repaid and cost you time in the future. Think: saying yes to a meeting, doing sloppy work that will need to be revised, etc. Time assets are an investment. Time debts are an expense.”
James Clear, Blog
“Money plays an important role in life, but it can’t be the only filter for how you decide to spend your time. Nobody will ever pay you to go on a date with your spouse or take your kids to the park or grab coffee with your parents.”
James Clear, Blog
”Seneca notes how much time we waste in life. It may well be that we are wasting much of that time and energy thinking about things as unfulfilling and unproductive as being on time. Being punctual is important, yes. But more critical is making time for the things that really matter… and then being on time for those.“
Ryan Holiday
“The speed at which technology moves is anxiety inducing and it can set us up to think frantically, to jump from extreme to extreme. This means that the tools we use to develop our inner peace and wellbeing are more important than ever. To be able to deal with the chaos of the world, we need to consistently tend to our inner harmony. To do that, it is essential to hold our healing as a top priority.”
Yung Pueblo