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    “Successful people identify their life’s core purpose and relentlessly follow that purpose to become the best representation of themselves that they can become.” ~ Oprah Winfrey, via Talk Like TED

      “When you’re surrounded by people who share a collective passion around a common purpose, anything is possible.” ~ Howard Schultz, via Talk Like TED

        “Ask yourself, ‘What makes my heart sing?’  Your passion is not a passing interest or even a hobby.  A passion is something that is intensely meaningful and core to your identity.  Once you identify what your passion is, can you say it influences your daily activities?  Can you incorporate it into what you do professionally?” ~ Carmine Gallo, Talk Like TED

          “Great dreamers’ dreams are never fulfilled, they are always transcended.” ~ Alfred Lord Whitehead

            “Although you and your woman are equal beings, you are very different creatures.  If she has a feminine sexual essence, her core will be fulfilled when love is flowing.  For example, she can experience difficulties in her career, but if full love is flowing in her life – with her children, friends, and with you – then her core will be fulfilled.  Not so for you.  If you have a masculine sexual essence, then your woman and children can be loving you all day and night, but if your career or mission is obstructed, you will not feel at ease.  You won’t even want to share much intimate time with your woman until you have your career or mission back on track.” ~ David Deida, The Way of the Superior Man

            The Great Work of Your Life [Book]

              The Great Work Of Your Life - Stephen Cope

              By: Stephen Cope

              From this Book: 10 Quotes

              Book Overview:  If you’re feeling lost in your own life’s journey, The Great Work of Your Life may provide you with answers to the questions you most urgently need addressed—and may help you to find and to embrace your true calling.

              Buy from Amazon!  Listen on Audible!

              Great on Kindle. Great Experience. Great Value. The Kindle edition of this book comes highly recommended on Amazon.

              Post(s) Inspired by this Book:

                “Blessed is the man who, having subdued all his passions, performeth with his active faculties all the functions of life, unconcerned about the event… Be not one whose motive for action is the hope of reward.  Perform thy duty, abandon all thought of the consequence, and make the event equal, whether it terminate in good or evil; for such an equality is called yoga.” ~ Bhagavad Gita

                  “People will summarize your life in one sentence – pick it now.” ~ John C. Maxwell, Leadership Gold

                    “In my organizations I don’t have employees; I have teammates. Yes, I do pay people and offer them benefits. But people don’t work for me. They work with me. We are working together to fulfill the vision. Without them, I cannot succeed. Without me, they cannot succeed. We’re a team. We reach our goals together. We need each other. If we didn’t, then one of us is in the wrong place.” ~ John C. Maxwell, Leadership Gold

                      "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." ~ Maya Angelou

                        “The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

                          “The inspiration of a noble cause involving human interests wide and far, enables men to do things they did not dream themselves capable of before, and which they were not capable of alone.  The consciousness of belonging, vitally, to something beyond individuality; of being part of a personality that reaches we know not where, in space and time, greatens the heart to the limit of the souls ideal, and builds out the supreme character.” ~ Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

                            “The leaders we revere and the businesses that last are generally not the result of a narrow pursuit of popularity or personal advancement, but of devotion to some bigger purpose. That’s the hallmark of real success. The other trapping of success might be the by product of this larger mission, but it can’t be the central thing.” ~ Barack Obama

                              “Everybody has their own Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.” ~ Seth Godin, Linchpin

                                A Western journalist asked, “Mr. Gandhi, you have been working fifteen hours a day for fifty years. Don’t you think you should take a vacation?” Gandhi smiled and replied, “I am always on vacation.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

                                  “Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.” ~ Lauren Bacall

                                    “Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life… Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated.  Thus, everyone’s task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it.” ~ Viktor Frankl