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Mom, I Want to Hear Your Story

    Why We ♥ It: The best-selling and acclaimed way for you to discover everything from your Mother’s childhood memories to the profound turning points in her life. Featuring expertly crafted questions in an easy-to-use layout, each intentional section gives your mom a place to share and reveal her life story and memories with you while creating a lasting legacy.

    Dad, I Want To Hear Your Story

      Why We ♥ It: This book will guide your Father with prompts and questions, making it fun and easy for him to share the stories of his childhood, teens, and adult years. This will be the tale of his life, his victories, his challenges, and his lessons. You will give your dad a gift he will cherish while also giving yourself the gift of knowing him a little bit (or a lotta bit) better.

        “Within five years, I lost both my aunt and my mother to cancer. So, when I go to H Mart, I’m not just on the hunt for cuttlefish and three bunches of scallions for a buck; I’m searching for memories. I’m collecting the evidence that the Korean half of my identity didn’t die when they did. H Mart is the bridge that guides me away from the memories that haunt me, of chemo head and skeletal bodies and logging milligrams of hydrocodone. It reminds me of who they were before, beautiful and full of life, wiggling Chang Gu honey-cracker rings on all ten of their fingers, showing me how to suck a Korean grape from its skin and spit out the seeds.”

        Michelle Zauner, Crying in H Mart (Page 11)

          “Odd things happen when you’re on a road trip alone. The monotony of driving becomes meditative: The mind unwrinkles. As the usual anxieties and concerns vacate, daydreams flit in. Occasionally, a wisp of an idea appears out of nowhere only to recede, a shimmery mirage in a desert. Other times, an avalanche of memories tumbles forth, loosened by an old song on the radio or a deja vu—inducing landscape. The interplay between geography and memory becomes a conversation. They spark and spur each other.”

          Suleika Jaouad, Between Two Kingdoms (Page 244)

            “Childhood is not only the childhood we really had but also the impressions we formed of it in our adolescence and maturity. That is why childhood seems so long. Probably every period of life is multiplied by our reflections upon it in the next. The shortest is old age because we shall never be able to think back on it.”

            Cesare Pavese, via Sunbeams (Page 99)

              “We do not remember days, we remember moments.”

              Cesare Pavese, Sunbeams (Page 21)

              Paul Hogan Poem on Capturing Moments (and Maybe When Not To)

                “Camera loaded, the light

                near sundown blushes

                the grey, beat wood

                of the boathouse, flashes

                along arcs of the waves.

                Don’t photograph this. Don’t render it

                immutable now. Let it

                distort, let it unravel,

                reconstruct itself.

                This image will retell

                this here and now for years,

                without conclusion —

                It will never change,

                it will always be different,

                we will never agree. For now,

                let the light slip down

                around you. Don’t

                remember this yet.”

                Paul Hogan, Point of Departures (Page 37)

                Beyond the Quote (167/365)

                In a world where the camera on our phone takes better pictures than most DSLR cameras from just a few years ago, where 4K quality can be held in the palm of one hand and activated with the push of one thumb, where so much of what we see and hear in the world can be so vividly captured and contained within the confines of a memory chip that’s smaller than a penny and backed up by an imaginary cloud—the line between knowing when to be present in a moment and when to capture a moment can become incredibly blurred. Hell, if we wanted to, we could record every moment we ever wanted to and store it into a neat and tidy timeline of moments that could quite literally make up the story of our lives. Rather than our life “flashing before our eyes” at the end, we could playback our lives in a flash with just a few clicks on a computer screen.

                Read More »Paul Hogan Poem on Capturing Moments (and Maybe When Not To)

                  “Memory is potent.  It does something to us.  It makes us who we are.  It gives us depth.  It ties our past to our present to overcome the disjunction of a too literal life.  It focuses our attention on the imagination of events rather than on events taken literally.  Memory is a kind of poetry.”

                  Thomas Moore, Original Self | ★ Featured on this book list.

                    "Live a good, honourable life.  Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time." ~ Dalai Lama