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      “Circumstances do not push or pull. They are daily lessons to be studied and gleaned for new knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom that is applied will bring about a brighter tomorrow. A person who is depressed is spending too much time thinking about the way things are now and not enough time thinking about how he wants things to be.” ~ Andy Andrews

        “Times of calamity and distress have always been producers of the greatest men. The hardest steel is produced from the hottest fire; the brightest star shreds the darkest night.” ~ Andy Andrews, The Traveler’s Gift

          “The things that hurt us teach us.” ~ Author Unknown

            “We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” ~ Kenji Miyazawa

              Find your best - Picture Quote

                “When you part from your friend, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

                  “Troubles, they may come and go, but good times, they’re the gold.” ~ Dave Matthews Band

                    “Even the most daring and accomplished people have undergone tremendous difficulty.  In fact, the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons learned during their most difficult times.” ~ Barbara Rose

                      “Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.” ~ Epictetus, The Art of Living

                        “The person who can dominate during rough times is the person who can dominate, period.” ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

                          “Without pain and suffering, we would be nothing” ~ Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

                            “There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.” ~ Harry Crews

                              “Wouldn’t it be nice if our lives were like VCRS (video recorders), and we could ‘fast forward’ through the crummy times?” ~ Charles Schulz

                                “…And when that bad news washes over you and that pain sponges in, I just hope you feel like you’ve always got two choices.  One, you can swirl and twirl and gloom and doom forever.  Or two, you can grieve, and then face the future with newly sober eyes.” ~ Neil Pasricha

                                  “No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse. ” ~ Randy Pausch