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Meaning of the Quote: “Where There’s Hardship, There’s Ease”

    “Where there’s hardship, there’s ease.”


    Beyond the Quote (Day 378)

    At first glance, this statement seems like a contradiction. Where there’s hardship—tension, angst, and unease, seem to be the more appropriate pairings, wouldn’t you think? And while, yes, those tend to be the default feelings in response to hardship, they certainly aren’t the mandatory responses. In fact, there are no mandatory responses to any situation in life. It’s one of the few things that is actually 100% within our control—how we choose to respond to given situations. This becomes increasingly evident when you see someone masterfully navigate hard situations with ease and grace.

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    The storms only make us stronger.

      The storms only make us stronger

      Picture Quote Text:

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                Every time you are able to find some humor in a difficult situation, you win.

                  No winter lasts forever.  No spring skips it's turn.

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