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Quotes about Defeat

    “Believe me that in every big thing or achievement there are always obstacles, big or small, and the reaction one shows to such obstacles is what counts, not the obstacle itself. There is no such thing as defeat until you admit so yourself, but not until then!”

    Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 102)

      “What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing but the first step to something better.”

      Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts (Page 100)

        “The agony of defeat is as low as the joy of winning is high. However, they’re the exact same to me. I’m at the gym at the same time after losing 50 games as I am after winning a championship. It doesn’t change for me.”

        Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 195)

          “Our progress is paved with mistakes, failures, and defeats, and it’s our resilience that keeps us keeping on.  Every misstep is a teacher, and not all the things and people we lose in life end up being losses.  Our obsession with winning can cost us much more than losing a healthy outlook when life doesn’t go our way.  There’s always a lesson, a nugget of wisdom or a jewel waiting when things look like they won’t be going in our favor; we just have to be willing to pay attention and do some digging if need be.  Once we remind ourselves to find opportunity in any situation, there is no loss, just learning.  Failure isn’t the opposite of success, it’s a path to it.” ~ Humble the Poet, Things No One Else Can Teach Us (Page 268)

          T’is So Much Joy

            ’T is so much joy! ’T is so much joy!

            If I should fail, what poverty!

            And yet, as poor as I

            Have ventured all upon a throw;

            Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so

            This side the victory!

            Life is but life, and death but death!

            Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath!

            And if, indeed, I fail,

            At least to know the worst is sweet.

            Defeat means nothing but defeat,

            No drearier can prevail!

            And if I gain,—oh, gun at sea,

            Oh, bells that in the steeples be,

            At first repeat it slow!

            For heaven is a different thing

            Conjectured, and waked sudden in,

            And might o’erwhelm me so!

            ~ Emily Dickinson

              “…We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. That sounds goody two-shoes, I know, but I believe that a diamond is the result of extreme pressure and time. Less time is crystal. Less than that is coal. Less than that is fossilized leaves. Less than that it’s just plain dirt. In all my work, in the movies I write, the lyrics the poetry, the prose, the essays, I am saying that we may encounter many defeats – maybe it’s imperative that we encounter the defeats – but we are much stronger than we appear to be and maybe much better than we allow ourselves to be.” ~ Maya Angelou

                “Failure inspires winners. And failure defeats losers. It is the biggest secret of winners. It’s the secret that loser do not know. The greatest secret of winners is that failure inspires winning; thus, they’re not afraid of losing.”

                Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad (Page 182)

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