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Quotes about Being Rich

    “Rich is how much you see your kids. Power is how much power you have over your own schedule.”

    Ryan Holiday

      “‘It is good,’ he thought, ‘to taste everything that one needs to know. As I child I learned that wealth and worldly pleasure are not good. I knew it for a long time, but I experienced it only now. And now I know it, know it not only with my memory, but also with my eyes, with my heart, with my stomach. Good for me that I know it!'”

      Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha (Page 87)

        “A lot of rich people in this world live very poor lives. They’re rarely not thinking about money. About how to acquire more of it, about what they can trade in their life in exchange for it, about who they know who has more of it than they do. These poor souls know they have a lot of money, but what they don’t understand is that, really, money has a lot of them.”

        Ryan Holiday

          “Rich people have money. Wealthy people have time.”

          Shane Parrish

            “Rich people want to be cool. Cool people want to be rich. So, just be happy.”

            Cole Schafer

              “Be suspicious of anyone dangling the lure of something for nothing. Get-rich-quick schemes are scams. The lottery is really a tax on the mathematically illiterate. There are no shortcuts to power.”

              Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 185)

                “Who is a wise man?—He who studies all the time.

                Who is strong?—He who can limit himself.

                Who is rich?—He who is happy with what he has.”

                The Talmud, via A Calendar of Wisdom (Page 156)

                  “One is not rich by what one owns, but more by what one is able to do without with dignity.”

                  Immanuel Kant, via Sunbeams (Page 103)

                    “Atreus: Who would reject the flood of fortune’s gifts?

                    Thyestes: Anyone who has experienced how easily they flow back.”

                    Seneca, Thyestes, via The Daily Stoic (Page 113)

                    Ryan Holiday Quote on Questions and How The Best Questions Lead To The Best Answers

                      “Tim Ferriss always seems to ask the best questions: What would this look like if it were easy? How will you know if you don’t experiment? What would less be like? The one that hit me the hardest, when I was maybe 25, was, ‘What do you do with your money?’ My answer at the time was ‘Nothing, really.’ Okay, so why try so hard to earn lots more of it?”

                      Ryan Holiday, Medium

                      Beyond the Quote (269/365)

                      The first and last questions listed above were the ones that hit me the hardest: “What would this look like if it were easy?” and “What do you do with your money?” The thing about asking better questions is that they lead to better answers. When you can become the person who asks “the best questions” then you’ll inevitably start getting the best answers—answers that never occur to most people because their minds aren’t even looking in the right places. And the people with the best answers are the ones who almost always get the best results.

                      Read More »Ryan Holiday Quote on Questions and How The Best Questions Lead To The Best Answers

                        “No one dogged by creditors is free. Living outside your means is not glamorous. Behind the appearances, it’s exhausting. It’s also dangerous. The person who is afraid to lose their stuff, who has their identity wrapped up in their things, gives their enemies an opening. They make themselves extra vulnerable to fate.”

                        Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key (Page 209)

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