“Nobody does their best in their bathrobe… which is why we ought to take a shower and get ready in the morning, even if we’re not going to leave the house. Shine your shoes… until you are the one glowing.”
Ryan Holiday, Discipline Is Destiny (Page 69)
“We shouldn’t be cramming the night before a test, or frantically looking for advice once a crisis has arrived. We need to be prepared. We need to be so on top of our work—and the knowledge required—that everything we need is right there, already in our hands and in our heads. If you’re rushing, you’re already too late. If you’re looking for your weapons, you’re already beaten.”
Ryan Holiday, Daily Stoic Blog
“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Being unexpected adds to the weight of a disaster, and being a surprise has never failed to increase a person’s pain. For that reason, nothing should ever be unexpected by us. Our minds should be sent out in advance to all things and we shouldn’t just consider the normal course of things, but what could actually happen. For is there anything in life that Fortune won’t knock off its high horse if it pleases her?”
Seneca, via The Daily Stoic (Page 286)
“Whatever happens today, let it find us prepared and active: ready for problems, ready for difficulties, ready for people to behave in disappointing or confusing ways, ready to accept and make it work for us. Let’s not wish we could turn back time or remake the universe according to our preference. Not when it would be far better and far easier to remake ourselves.”
Ryan Holiday, The Daily Stoic (Page 184)
“Build before you have to. Build knowledge before you have to. Build strength before you have to. Build an emergency fund before you have to. Let internal pressure drive you today, so you can handle external pressure tomorrow.”
James Clear, Blog