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We’re Not Really Strangers

    Why We ♥ It: A purpose driven card game all about empowering meaningful connections and relationships. Three carefully crafted levels of conversation cards and wildcards for teens and adults who love games. Perfect for game nights and parties. Includes 150 conversation cards. For 2-6 players ages 15+. Warning: feelings may arise.

      “Curiosity is a cure-all for social anxiety. If you’re nervous on a date, ask more questions than you answer.”

      Mari Andrews, Out of the Blue

        “If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned this: a question is a powerful thing, a mighty use of words. Questions elicit answers in their likeness. Answers mirror the questions they rise, or fall, to meet. So while a simple question can be precisely what’s needed to drive to the heart of the matter, it’s hard to meet a simplistic question with anything but a simplistic answer. It’s hard to transcend a combative question. But it’s hard to resist a generous question. We all have it in us to formulate questions that invite honesty, dignity, and revelation. There is something redemptive and life-giving about asking a better question.”

        Krista Tippett, Becoming Wise (Page 29)

          “Live your questions now, and perhaps even without knowing it, you will live along some distant day into your answers.”

          Rainer Maria Rilke, via Sunbeams (Page 92)

            “If your comment is helpful to anyone else, than it’s generous indeed. Holding back is selfish, because it deprives the group of your insight at the same time that it normalizes non-participation. If you’re wondering, so is someone else.”

            Seth Godin, Blog

            Ryan Holiday Quote on Questions and How The Best Questions Lead To The Best Answers

              “Tim Ferriss always seems to ask the best questions: What would this look like if it were easy? How will you know if you don’t experiment? What would less be like? The one that hit me the hardest, when I was maybe 25, was, ‘What do you do with your money?’ My answer at the time was ‘Nothing, really.’ Okay, so why try so hard to earn lots more of it?”

              Ryan Holiday, Medium

              Beyond the Quote (269/365)

              The first and last questions listed above were the ones that hit me the hardest: “What would this look like if it were easy?” and “What do you do with your money?” The thing about asking better questions is that they lead to better answers. When you can become the person who asks “the best questions” then you’ll inevitably start getting the best answers—answers that never occur to most people because their minds aren’t even looking in the right places. And the people with the best answers are the ones who almost always get the best results.

              Read More »Ryan Holiday Quote on Questions and How The Best Questions Lead To The Best Answers

              Tony Robbins Quote on Focus and How Questions Are One Of The Most Powerful Tools To Utilize

                “The most powerful way to control your focus is through the use of questions.”

                Tony Robbins

                Beyond the Quote (225/365)

                Distracted? It’s because you’re asking yourself the wrong questions: Am I missing out on any new posts on the socials? I wonder what he/she is doing right now? I wonder how much it would cost to buy a new kayak? How come I always get so distracted? Why is life always so unfair to me? What am I going to eat for dinner? How can I get rich, quick? What shortcut can I take for better health? Why is my dog so cute? You get the idea.

                Read More »Tony Robbins Quote on Focus and How Questions Are One Of The Most Powerful Tools To Utilize

                  “I was curious. I wanted to improve, learn, and fill my head with the history of the game. No matter who I was with—a coach, hall of famer, teammate—and no matter the situation—game, practice, vacation—I would fire away with question after question. A lot of people appreciated my curiosity and passion. They appreciated that I wasn’t just asking to ask, I was genuinely thirsty to hear their answers and glean new info. Some people, meanwhile, were less understanding and gracious. That was fine with me. My approach always was that I’d rather risk embarrassment now than be embarrassed later, when I’ve won zero titles.”

                  Kobe Bryant, Mamba Mentality (Page 40)

                    “Don’t think about why you question, simply don’t stop questioning.  Don’t worry about what you can’t answer, and don’t try to explain what you can’t know.  Curiosity is its own reason.  Aren’t you in awe when you contemplate the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure behind reality?  And this is the miracle of the human mind—to use its constructions, concepts, and formulas as tools to explain what man sees, feels and touches.  Try to comprehend a little more each day.  Have holy curiosity.” ~ Albert Einstein, via Mastery

                      “There’s a big difference between an affirmation and a question.  When you say to yourself, “I’m happy; I’m happy; I’m happy,” this might cause you to feel happy if you produce enough emotional intensity, change your physiology and therefore your state.  But in reality, you can make affirmations all day long and not really change how you feel.  What will really change the way you feel is asking, “What am I happy about now?  What could I be happy about if I wanted to be?  How would that make me feel?”  If you keep asking questions like this, you’ll come up with real references that will make you begin to focus on reasons that do in fact exist for you to feel happy.  You’ll feel certain that you’re happy.” ~ Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within