“Be over prepared so that you won’t under perform.”
Gary Mack, Mind Gym
“Feedback often tells you more about the person who is giving it than about you.” ~ Stephen M. R. Covey, The Speed of Trust
“No one can outperform his/her self image.” ~ Gary Mack, Mind Gym
“Fear doesn’t go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day.”
Steven Pressfield, Do the Work
“World-class performance comes by striving for a target just out of reach, but with a vivid awareness of how the gap might be breached. Over time, through constant repetition and deep concentration, the gap will disappear, only for a new target to be created, just out of reach once again.” ~ Matthew Syed
“Learn from the past. Prepare for the future. Perform in the present.” ~ Gary Mack, Mind Gym
“When you are playing your game right on time, in the present, you perform at your best. Why? Because in the present, there is no pressure. Pressure is created by anxieties about the future and remembered failures from the past.” ~ Gary Mack, Mind Gym
“Oxygen is energy – it’s juice. Oxygen helps relax muscles and clear the mind. When you hold your breath, you are creating pressure and a nervous feeling. Athletes who choke start to become nervous about being nervous. Anxious about being anxious.” ~ Gary Mack, Mind Gym