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    “True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body’s eyes behold. It is a state of mind that has been so unified that darkness cannot be perceived.”

    A Course In Miracles, via Sunbeams (Page 96)

      “‘The things we see,’ Pistorius said softly, ‘are the same things that are within us. There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such unreal lives. They take the images outside them for reality and never allow the world within to assert itself.'”

      Hermann Hesse, Demian, via Sunbeams (Page 89)

        “If you really want to know spirituality, don’t look for anything. People think spirituality is about looking for God or truth or the ultimate. The problem is you have already defined what you are looking for. It is not the object of your search that is important; it is the faculty of looking. The ability to simply look without motive is missing in the world today. Everybody is a psychological creature, wanting to assign meaning to everything. Seeking is not about looking for something. It is about enhancing your perception, your very faculty of seeing.”

        Sadhguru, Inner Engineering (Page 15)

          If you can change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.