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    “Both peace and joy and their counterparts, non-reactiveness and present moment awareness, all stem from a particular quality of mind, equanimity. When the mind is balanced and steady, when it is taking in the world without clinging to it, when it is simply observing without judging, the mind is in a state of equanimity. The door to access the full beauty of life and the wisdom of the universe is opened by equanimity.”

    Yung Pueblo

      “If you are injured and in pain, the path to mental peace can be traversed in a single step: Simply accept the pain as it arises, while doing whatever you need to do to help your body heal. If you are anxious before giving a speech, become willing to feel the anxiety fully, so that it becomes a meaningless pattern of energy in your mind and body. Embracing the contents of consciousness in any moment is a very powerful way of training yourself to respond differently to adversity. However, it is important to distinguish between accepting unpleasant sensations and emotions as a strategy—while covertly hoping that they will go away—and truly accepting them as transitory appearances in consciousness. Only the latter gesture opens the door to wisdom and lasting change. The paradox is that we can become wiser and more compassionate and live more fulfilling lives by refusing to be who we have tended to be in the past. But we must also relax, accepting things as they are in the present, as we strive to change ourselves.”

      Sam Harris, Waking Up (Page 149)

        “Inner success is the ability to love yourself completely, to do the work to feel whole and at home within your being, and to decrease the tension in your mind that you have accumulated over the years. Inner success is a deep sense of inner peace and joy that emerges after you have unbound the layers of trauma and old hurt that get in the way of you feeling like the best version of yourself. Outer success is the ability to accomplish the goals that arise in your mind. Specifically, the goals that stand above simple desires, goals that have the power to move your life in a more positive direction. Usually, these goals are in reference to external things like your professional life, creating a good community for yourself, pursuing healthy relationships, and more. Outer success is when you deeply realize that all you can control are your own actions and you turn this into your superpower so you can design your life in the way that you think is ideal. “

        Yung Pueblo

          “Peace comes—but before it comes, as a prerequisite, you have to create a mental peace around you. The first peace will just be mental; it will be like an autohypnosis; it is created by you. Then one day you will suddenly see that the second peace has surfaced. It has nothing to do with your doing, or with you. In fact, it is deeper than you. It comes from the very source of your being, the unidentified being, the undivided being, the unknown being.”

          Osho, Everyday Osho (Page 121)

            “Learn to get in touch with silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences; all events are blessings given to us to learn from. There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub.”

            Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

              “Thinking about interior peace destroys interior peace. The patient who constantly feels his pulse is not getting any better.”

              Hubert van Zeller, via Sunbeams (Page 100)