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Parenting Quotes

    “Dependency may appear to be love because it is a force that causes people to fiercely attach themselves to one another.  But in actuality it is not love; it is a form of antilove.  It has its genesis in a parental failure to love and it perpetuates the failure.  It seeks to receive rather than to give.  It nourishes infantilism rather than growth.  It works to trap and constrict rather than to liberate.  Ultimately it destroys rather than builds relationships, and it destroys rather than builds people.” ~ Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

      “We are incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves, just as we are incapable of teaching our children self-discipline unless we ourselves are self-disciplined.  It is actually impossible to forsake our own spiritual development in favor of someone else’s.  We cannot forsake self-discipline and at the same time be disciplined in our care for another.  We cannot be a source of strength unless we nurture our own strength.  I believe that not only do self-love and love of others go hand in hand but that ultimately they are indistinguishable.” ~ Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

        “I have heard parents tell their adolescent children in all seriousness, ‘You think too much.’  What an absurdity this is, given the fact that it is our frontal lobes, our capacity to think and to examine ourselves that most makes us human.  Fortunately, such attitudes seem to be changing, and we are beginning to realize that the sources of danger to the world lie more within us than outside, and that the process of constant self-examination and contemplation is essential for ultimate survival.” ~ Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

          “The feeling of being valuable – ‘I am a valuable person’ – is essential to mental health and is a cornerstone of self-discipline.  It is a direct product of parental love.  Such a conviction must be gained in childhood; it is extremely difficult to acquire it during adulthood.  Conversely, when children have learned through the love of their parents to feel valuable, it is almost impossible for the vicissitudes of adulthood to destroy their spirit.” ~ Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

            “Children are born awesome. Our job as the adults in their lives is to make sure they know this and to minimize the effect of anyone who might influence them to feel otherwise. When children feel stupid, slow, naughty, troublesome, untrustworthy, incapable or silenced in response to the comments of any adult in their lives, it’s time for us to be their voice.” ~ Hey Sigmund, Good Men Project

              “We cannot give our children what we don’t have.  Where we are on our journey of living and loving with our whole hearts is a much stronger indicator of parenting success than anything we can learn from how-to books.” ~ Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

                “The closest analogy I can give to what a great leader is, is like being a parent. If you think about what being a great parent is, what do you want? What makes a great parent? We want to give our child opportunities, education, discipline them when necessary, all so that they can grow up and achieve more than we could for ourselves. Great leaders want exactly the same thing. They want to provide their people opportunity, education, discipline when necessary, build their self-confidence, give them the opportunity to try and fail, all so that they could achieve more than we could ever imagine for ourselves.” ~ Simon Sinek, TED

                  “Although most parents do not have a degree in education, all parents are teachers.” ~ Judy S. Freedman, Easing the Teasing

                  Listen to your children – every time.

                    Listen to your children - every time

                    Picture Quote Text:

                    “Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don’t listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff.” ~ Catherine M. Wallace

                      “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” ~ Anne Frank

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