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    “The human condition is such that pain and effort are not just symptoms which can be removed without changing life itself; they are rather the modes in which life itself, together with the necessity to which it is bound, makes itself felt. For mortals, the ‘easy life of the gods’ would be a lifeless life.”

    Hannah Arendt, Sunbeams (Page 41)

      “What I used to think of as happiness was merely distraction from the pain. The pain of disconnection, of separateness from you. All longing, all yearning, all thirst, flung on unworthy surrogates, false idols, unsated by unworthy objects, still pulling us unwillingly back together.”

      Russell Brand, Recovery (Page 208)

        “You build the pain into the story of who you are until it isn’t pain anymore, it’s just another piece of who you are.”

        Russell Brand, Recovery (Page 75)

        Russell Brand Quote on Pain and How It’s A Signal To Be Addressed; Not A Problem To Be Ignored

          “Pain is a signal, it’s some aspect of us that’s beyond our somewhat narrow conception of ‘self,’ communicating. A pain in the leg means ‘don’t put pressure on this leg’; a pain in the mind means ‘change the way you live.'”

          Russell Brand, Recovery (Page 28)

          Beyond the Quote (Day 402)

          Imagine the chaos that would ensue if we didn’t follow the signals of the world. If we ignored traffic signals; disregarded conversational signals; paid no mind to vehicular signals. The world would be a much scarier, dangerous, and erratic place. It would skyrocket fear, confusion, and anxiety—and rightfully so! The signals of our world are in place to serve as an antidote to chaos. To provide a sense of order, certainty, and security. And what most people don’t realize is that our inner worlds have a signal system in place all the same and for the very same reasons.

          Read More »Russell Brand Quote on Pain and How It’s A Signal To Be Addressed; Not A Problem To Be Ignored

            “I live in negotiation with a shadow side that has to be respected. There is a wound. I believe that this is more than a characteristic of addiction. I think it is a part of being human, to carry a wound, a flaw and again, paradoxically, it is only by accepting it that we can progress.”

            Russell Brand, Recovery (Page 26)

              “There is no coming to consciousness without pain.”

              Carl Jung, Sunbeams (Page 14)

                “Pain ignored is still pain. And pain acknowledged is a first step toward easing that pain.”

                Seth Godin, Blog

                Brandon Stanton Quote on Connection and How We Connect Through Struggles More Than Victories

                  “Our struggles connect us. We relate to the challenges of other people much more than we relate to their victories. We empathize with pain much more than joy. The moment we truly see ourselves in another person is when we realize that we’ve felt the exact same pain.”

                  Brandon Stanton, Humans (Page 278)

                  Beyond the Quote (351/365)

                  This is the oversight with always wanting to show off. It might make people envy you, but it doesn’t allow people to easily connect with you. If anything, it creates a larger disconnect between where they are and where you portray yourself to be. As Brandon points out above, it’s our struggles that connect us, not our victories.

                  Read More »Brandon Stanton Quote on Connection and How We Connect Through Struggles More Than Victories

                  On Social Media: “What If My Posts Are Causing Other People Pain? When Should I Share and When Shouldn’t I Share?”

                    “Social media is still an energy exchange… in case you were wondering why you’re exhausted all of the time.”


                    Beyond the Quote (245/365)

                    When it comes to social media, what do we do if what we post causes other people pain? Assuming that’s not the intention, I find this to be a very valid concern when one of the main criticisms of social media use is the pain it can cause. The pain in seeing others in seemingly happy relationships. The pain in seeing people post exotic pictures from across the globe when you’re stuck at home. The pain in seeing distorted perceptions of beauty and then comparing it to yourself. The pain in seeing other people hit milestones that you haven’t even set as goals for yourself. The pain that comes from comparing highlight reels to your “normal” reels. Not wanting to contribute to any of that, the question that I find constantly stirring in my mind is, what moments to share and what moments to keep to myself?

                    Read More »On Social Media: “What If My Posts Are Causing Other People Pain? When Should I Share and When Shouldn’t I Share?”

                      “Opinions from total strangers take me out of my ways/

                      I try and see who’s there on the other end of the shade/

                      Most times it’s just somebody that’s underage/

                      That’s probably just alone and afraid/

                      And lashin’ out so that someone else can feel they pain”

                      Drake, Emotionless

                      Andy Andrews Quote on Creating a New Future and No Longer Dwelling On The Past

                        “Beginning today, I will create a new future by creating a new me.  No longer will I dwell in a pit of despair, moaning over squandered time and lost opportunity.  I can do nothing about the past.  My future is immediate.  I will grasp it in both hands and carry it with running feet.  When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act!  I seize this moment.  I choose now.”

                        Andy Andrews

                        Beyond the Quote (196/365)

                        One of the best ways to build a better lifestyle is to focus less on trying to break bad habits and to focus more on building new, better habits. One of the best ways to feel better when you’re hurt is to focus less on analyzing the pain and to focus more on doing what heals you. One of the best ways to overcome hate is to focus less on the hate and to focus more on love. This is all to say, one of the best ways to move on from a rough past is to focus on building a better future.

                        Read More »Andy Andrews Quote on Creating a New Future and No Longer Dwelling On The Past

                          “Nobody chooses dysfunction, conflict, pain. Nobody chooses insanity. They happen because there is not enough presence in you to dissolve the past, not enough light to dispel the darkness. You are not fully here. You have not quite woken up yet. In the meantime, the conditioned mind is running your life.”

                          Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 228)

                            “When there is no way out, there is still always a way through. So don’t turn away from the pain. Face it. Feel it fully. Feel it—don’t think about it! Express it if necessary, but don’t create a script in your mind around it. Give all your attention to the feeling, not to the person, event, or situation that seems to have caused it. Don’t let the mind use the pain to create a victim identity for yourself out of it. Feeling sorry for yourself and telling others your story will keep you stuck in suffering. Since it is impossible to get away from the feeling, the only possibility of change is to move into it; otherwise, nothing will shift. So give your complete attention to what you feel, and refrain from mentally labeling it. As you go into the feeling, be intensely alert. At first, it may seem like a dark and terrifying place, and when the urge to turn away from it comes, observe it but don’t act on it. Keep putting your attention on the pain, keep feeling the grief, the fear, the dread, the loneliness, whatever it is. Stay alert, stay present—present with your whole Being, with every cell of your body. As you do so, you are bringing a light into this darkness. This is the flame of your consciousness.”

                            Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 222)

                              “Illness is not the problem. You are the problem—as long as the egoic mind is in control. When you are ill or disabled, do not feel that you have failed in some way, do not feel guilty. Do not blame life for treating you unfairly, but do not blame yourself either. All that is resistance. If you have a major illness, use it for enlightenment. Anything ‘bad’ that happens in your life—use it for enlightenment. Withdraw time from the illness. Do not give it any past or future. Let it force you into intense present-moment awareness—and see what happens. Become an alchemist. Transmute base metal into gold, suffering into consciousness, disaster into enlightenment.”

                              Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 218)

                              Clay Jensen Quote on Choosing To Live and To Keep Moving, Whatever Happens.

                                “Whatever happens, keep moving. Get through it. Choose to live. ‘Cause even on the worst day, there are people who love you. There’s new music waiting for you to hear; something you haven’t seen before that will blow your mind in the best way. Even on the worst day, life is a pretty spectacular thing.”

                                Clay Jensen, Graduation Speech13 Reasons Why (Season 4)

                                Beyond the Quote (173/365)

                                If you’re going through hell… keep going. I mean, why would you want to stay in hell? Not moving doesn’t seem like an option when hell is where you find yourself—so don’t fool yourself if you’re in some kind of hellish reality. Keep moving. Whatever happens. No matter how hard things get. Keep moving forward in some kind of direction that’s going to take you away from where you are and out of the hell that you might find yourself in. What’s the alternative?

                                Read More »Clay Jensen Quote on Choosing To Live and To Keep Moving, Whatever Happens.