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Organization Quotes

    “Without cleanliness, we create fewer opportunities for ourselves. Nothing positive, nor beautiful, flows from chaos. Deep down, we know this. Often, when we are self-sabotaging through disorganization, it is because when we are very clean or organized, we get an uneasy feeling. That uneasy feeling is what we are trying to avoid, because it is the recognition that now that everything is in order, we must get to work on doing what we need to do or who we want to become.”

    Brianna Wiest, The Mountain Is You (Page 41)

    Ryan Holiday Quote on Rules and How They Are The Best and Most Polite Excuse To Living Your Best Life

      “Steve Kamb, the founder of Nerd Fitness, told me that the best and most polite excuse is just to say you have a rule. ‘I have a rule that I don’t decide on the phone.’ ‘I have a rule that I don’t accept gifts.’ ‘I have a rule that I don’t speak for free anymore.’ ‘I have a rule that I am home for bath time with the kids every night.’ People respect rules, and they accept that it’s not you rejecting the offer, request, demand, or opportunity, but the rule allows you no choice.”

      Ryan Holiday, Medium

      Beyond the Quote (266/365)

      I have a rule that I don’t eat meat or dairy. I have a rule that I don’t drink alcohol. I have a rule that I don’t do drugs. I have a rule that I only borrow on credit cards what I can pay back at the end of each month. I have a rule that every day I do something for personal growth and something selfless for others. These rules define how I live my life and are undoubtedly some of the best and most polite tools I have to continue living my life this way.

      Read More »Ryan Holiday Quote on Rules and How They Are The Best and Most Polite Excuse To Living Your Best Life

      Isaac Pitman Quote on Arranging Your Mind By Arranging Your Time

        “Well arranged time is the surest mark of a well arranged mind.”

        Sir Isaac Pitman

        Beyond the Quote (137/365)

        Have you ever laid into bed at the end of a day and wondered… what just happened? Like the whole day felt like a big blur? And even after a few minutes of reflection, you still can’t quite get it all straight? This is a common effect of living a reactive and unplanned lifestyle. If you go into the day with a blurry vision of what you need to do, then, it follows that you’ll come out on the other side with a blurry memory of what you did.

        Read More »Isaac Pitman Quote on Arranging Your Mind By Arranging Your Time

          “Well arranged time is the surest mark of a well arranged mind.” ~ Sir Isaac Pitman

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