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    “Every opportunity is attached to a person. Opportunities do not float like clouds in the sky. They’re attached to people. If you’re looking for an opportunity — including one that has a financial payoff — you’re really looking for a person.”

    Ben Casnocha

      “Deep down inside, I knew that my dreams would be made or broken by the people I chose to surround myself with. Confucius had it right: It’s nearly impossible for the quality of your life to be higher than the quality of your friends. And by the grace of God, there has never been a single moment in my life when I have looked to my left or to my right and not seen an extraordinary friend, someone who believed in me and was down for whatever.”

      Will Smith, Will (Page 96)

        “Who you choose to spend time with likely has a greater long-term impact on your health, wealth, and happiness than almost any other decision you make. Yet, most people will put more conscious thought into the color of their smartphone case.”

        Mark Manson, The Breakthrough

          “The people in your field, in your immediate circle, are like worlds unto themselves—their stories and viewpoints will naturally expand your horizons and build up your social skills. Mingle with as many different types of people as possible. Those circles will slowly widen.”

          Robert Greene, The Daily Laws (Page 68)

            “Social niceties are easy to do half-heartedly. But they’re not for us, they’re for the other person. When you show up begrudgingly, it’s not half-hearted, it’s cold hearted. A handshake, a greeting, the way we sit in a meeting or wear a mask–it’s a chance to connect and to make a difference for the person we’re with. All in, or not at all.”

            Seth Godin, Blog

              “I argue that the most powerful thing you can do to add healthy years is to curate your immediate social network. In general, you want friends with whom you can have a meaningful conversation. You can call them on a bad day and they will care. Your group of friends are better than any drug or anti-aging supplement, and will do more for you than just about anything.”

              Dan Buettner, The Power Of Positive People

                “The rest of the world isn’t nearly as important as the few who are here.” ~ Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception

                  “I don’t care how many friends you have on facebook or how many followers you have on twitter. Those are not actual friends or truly followers. I care about how many people will miss you if you’re not back here again tomorrow.” ~ Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception