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Richard Carlson Quote on How Wherever You Go, There You Are.

    “Something wonderful begins to happen with the simple realization that life, like an automobile, is driven from the inside out, not the other way around. As you focus more on becoming more peaceful with where you are, rather than focusing on where you would rather be, you begin to find peace right now, in the present. Then, as you move around, try new things, and meet new people, you carry that sense of inner peace with you. It’s absolutely true that, ‘Wherever you go, there you are.’

    Richard Carlson, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

    Beyond the Quote (140/365)

    One of the tragedies that we experience every day is missing out on the moment because we’re somewhere else. Our consciousness is constantly twisted up in what already happened and what we’re anticipating might happen next. And I’m not talking about a few moments out of every day—I’m talking about the vast majority of our moments every day. Let’s see how the following examples sits with you.

    Read More »Richard Carlson Quote on How Wherever You Go, There You Are.

    Tony Robbins Quote on Caring For Your Mind, Emotions, and Spirit Like A Garden—The Ultimate Garden

      “Think of your mind, your emotions, and your spirit as the ultimate garden. The way to ensure a bountiful, nourishing harvest is to plant seeds like love, warmth, and appreciation, instead of seeds like disappointment, anger, and fear.”

      Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

      Beyond the Quote (78/365)

      What seeds are you planting today?  Are you planting seeds of love, warmth, and appreciation in the garden of your mind?  What about in the minds of those around you?  Seeds don’t just plant themselves.  They need you to produce them first.  Some are easier to produce and plant than others.  Some get planted and start growing without you even knowing it.  Some take a ton of careful attention and hard work to cultivate and nurture to maturity.  One thing is for sure though, the ultimate garden of the mind requires constant effort and refinement in order to flourish—and mindfulness is the tool we need to use in order to see what needs to be done.

      Read More »Tony Robbins Quote on Caring For Your Mind, Emotions, and Spirit Like A Garden—The Ultimate Garden

      Leo Babauta Quote on Practicing Mindfulness By Giving Your Actions Weight

        “Practice this. Every action you take today, no matter how little… give it weight. Put some space around it. Start it intentionally, with the intention to be mindful, to inhabit that action fully, to notice with all of your senses the entire moment. When the action is done, don’t just rush to the next one, but take half a second to appreciate what you just experienced. Then move to the next with equal weight and space. If you don’t start treating this next action like it’s just as important as what’s coming later, you might never.”

        Leo Babauta

        Beyond the Quote (24/365)

        So many things in life lose their weight when you learn to redistribute that weight to the present moment.  What gives different thoughts, feelings, and situations in your life weight?  Your mind.  When you feel really drawn down and heavy from tough emotional situations, it’s because your mind is giving those tough emotional thoughts all of its weight.

        Read More »Leo Babauta Quote on Practicing Mindfulness By Giving Your Actions Weight

          “Are you stressed?  Are you so busy getting to the future that the present is reduced to a means of getting there?  Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there,’ or being in the present but wanting to be in the future.  It’s a split that tears you apart inside.  To create and live with such an inner split is insane.  The fact that everyone else is doing it doesn’t make it any less insane.  If you have to, you can move fast, work fast, or even run, without projecting yourself into the future and without resisting the present.  As you move, work, run — do it totally.  Enjoy the flow of energy, the high energy of that moment.  Now you are no longer stressed, no longer splitting yourself in two.  Just moving, running, working—and enjoying it.  Or you can drop the whole thing and sit on a park bench.  But when you do, watch your mind.  It may say: ‘You should be working.  You are wasting time.’ Observe the mind.  Smile at it.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 84)

            “Are you resisting your here and now?  Some people would always rather be somewhere else.  Their ‘here’ is never good enough.  Through self-observation, find out if that is the case in your life.  Wherever you are, be there totally.  If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally.  If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now.  Then accept the consequences.  No excuses.  No negativity.  No psychic pollution.  Keep your inner space clear.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 82)

              “You ask, ‘Why am I always daydreaming about the future?’  You are daydreaming about the future because you have not tasted the present.  Start tasting the present.  Find a few moments where you are simply delighting.  Looking at the trees, just be the look.  Listening to the birds, just be a listening ear; let them reach to your deepest core.  Let their song spread all over your being.  Sitting by the side of the ocean, just listen to the wild roar of the waves, become one with it… because that wild roar of the waves has no past, no future.  If you can tune yourself with it, you will also become a wild roar.  Hug a tree and relax into it.  Feel its green shape rushing into your being.  Lie down on the sand, forget the world, commune with the sand, the coolness of it; feel the coolness saturating you.  Go to the river, swim, and let the river swim within you.  Splash around, and become the splashing.  Do whatsoever you feel you enjoy, and enjoy it totally.  In those few moments, the past and future will disappear and you will be here now.” ~ Osho, Fame, Fortune, and Ambition

                “Become a little more aware, and try to bring your consciousness more and more to the facticity of existence.  See this flower; don’t think about that flower.  Listen to this word I am uttering, not to that word that I am going to utter.  Look right now.  If you postpone even for a single, split moment, you miss.  And then it becomes a habit, an ingrained habit.  Tomorrow also you will miss, and the day after tomorrow also, because you will remain the same.” ~ Osho, Fame, Fortune, and Ambition

                  “Each desire is born out of the past, and each desire is projected in the future.  The past and the future constitute your whole mind.  Analyze the mind, dissect it, and you will find only two things: the past and the future.  You will not find even an iota of the present, not even a single atom.  And the present is the only reality, the only existence, the only dance there is.” ~ Osho, Fame, Fortune, and Ambition

                    “In the ultimate analysis of life, name and fame are just irrelevant.  All that matters in the final reckoning is how you lived each moment of your life.  Was it a joy, was it a celebration?  In small things, were you happy?  Taking a bath, sipping tea, cleaning the floor, roaming around the garden, planting trees, talking to a friend, or sitting silently with your beloved, or looking at the moon, or just listening to the birds—were you happy in all these moments?  Was each moment a transformed moment of luminous happiness, was it radiant with joy?  That’s what matters.” ~ Osho, Fame, Fortune, and Ambition