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Materialistic Quotes

    “Nothing out there will ever satisfy you except temporarily and superficially, but you may need to experience many disillusionments before you realize that truth. Things and conditions can give you pleasure, but they will also give you pain. Things and conditions can give you pleasure, but they cannot give you joy. Nothing can give you joy. Joy is uncaused and arises from within as the joy of Being.”

    Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (Page 187)

      “Monks and priests take vows of poverty because it will mean fewer distractions, and more room (literally) for the spiritual pursuit to which they have committed. No one is saying we have to go that far, but the more we own, the more we oversee, the less room we have to move and, ironically, the less still we become. Start by walking around your house and filling up trash bags and boxes with everything you don’t use. Think of it as clearing more room for your mind and your body. Give yourself space. Give your mind a rest. Want to have less to be mad about? Less to covet or be triggered by? Give more away.”

      Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key (Page 210)

        “Mo’ money, mo’ problems, and also mo’ stuff, less freedom.”

        Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key (Page 209)

          More does nothing for the one who feels less than, who cannot see the wealth that was given to them at birth, that they have accumulated in their relationships and experiences. Solving your problem of poverty is an achievable goal and can be fixed by earning and saving money. No one could seriously claim otherwise. The issue is when we think these activities can address spiritual poverty.

          Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key (Page 124)

            Collect moments.  Not things.

              If we do not feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we'd be happy with more?

                ...All you need is less.

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